
2007-01-07 6:56 am

今天真讓我生氣!!學校突然停電 之前又沒有通知
課堂上不成 連小組補習都被迫取消了
不知遺留在車箱還是課室 我真是一個冒失鬼啊!!

回答 (4)

2007-01-07 7:07 am
✔ 最佳答案
I am very angry today! The school was suddenly out of electricity without any notice.
As a result, all the lessons, as well as the after school lessons in small group, were cancelled.
It wasted our time and money meaninglessly.
Oh, no! I discovered that the book borrowed from the school was missing when I returned home.
I am not sure whether it is in the car or in the classroom. I am really a reckless person.
參考: self translation
2007-01-07 7:46 am
Everything happened today hits my nerve! The power failure in my school was so sudden, and with no idea it would happen we all ended up having no classes today. The group tutorial class was also cancelled. What a total waste of my time and money! Gosh! I even found all books borrowed were gone! Reckless am I, I should have left them somewhere on the bus or in the classroom.
2007-01-07 7:20 am
A sudden, unexpected electric service suspension resulted in my class being cancelled and made me angry. It realy wasted my time and money. Still worse, I lost a book, perhaps in classroom or in bus, which was borrowed from school library. I am really a absent-minder.
2007-01-07 7:07 am
Today I feel so angry! At school, it was suddently out of electricity with no notification.
All class was terminated today, even the group tutorial was cancelled because of that.
These led us to waste our time and money...
Even more worse, I found out the book that I borrowed from the school libraby was lost,
I don't even know I left it on the bus or in the classroom. I am really a harum-scarum person.

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