Ocean Park 前面洗唔洗用the呢?

2007-01-07 6:11 am
Ocean Park 前面洗唔洗用the呢?

回答 (3)

2007-01-07 6:38 am
✔ 最佳答案
right 'Ocean Park' doesn't carry 'the'

in response to the replies posted by other net-bies, i wanna give a more balanced discussion to the usage of 'the'. 'the' can refer to something specific, and unique as well. e.g. THE University of Hong Kong; THE Barrier Reef; THE Great Wall; THE Netherlands, etc. In all those example 'the' is used to refer to the object unique. So it's not quite proper to say as Ocean Park is unique 'the' is not carried.

one possible reason that 'Ocean Park' doesn't carry 'the' because determiners (i.e. a/an/the) are usually not used before names of mountains (e.g. Mount Fuji), parks (e.g. Yosemite National Park), streets (e.g. Water Street), etc. and it's possible that 'ocean park' doesn't have 'the' in it.
2007-01-07 6:27 am
There is no need to add "the" before Ocean Park.
2007-01-07 6:18 am
No need.

Because there is only one Ocean Park, it is a specific name. If you put "the" Ocean Park, it refers to a particular Ocean Park.

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