which answer do I choose? And why?

2007-01-07 4:46 am
I would like to have a ___ of fruit cake, please.

A. slice
B. bottle
C. carton

回答 (4)

2007-01-07 4:57 am
A. slice

slice - 其中包含 "一片" 意思
bottle - 其中包含 "一樽" 意思
carton - 其中包含 "一盒" 意思
參考: 自己
2007-01-07 4:52 am
slice is more siutable.
slice means cut sth. into some smaller parts,
so,slice is more siutable=]
參考: me
2007-01-07 4:51 am
答案是(A) slice
因為 a slice of cake 是一個量詞組合,意思是「一片蛋糕」,就是用刀切成的扇形狀蛋糕。
2007-01-07 4:51 am
A. slice
I would like to have a SLICE of fruit cake, please.

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