
2007-01-07 4:30 am
這個故事的名稱叫星際寶貝2:史迪仔有問題,故事是關於星際寶貝 Stitch 跟小女孩 Lilo 住

在夏威夷一同生活,Lilo 想要參加一年一度的草裙舞大賽,以此來延續母親過去的光榮事

蹟,Stitch 也在一旁幫助 Lilo 準備參賽,但沒多久卻發生了怪事, Stitch 不知為何有了一

些小毛病,做出一些十分奇怪的舉動, 原本看似小故障,但卻愈來愈嚴重,甚至會危害

到 Stitch 的生命。小女孩 Lilo 準備草裙舞比賽的同時,又要如何修好她的星際寶貝。

對不起,我把 關 字寫成了 闢

回答 (2)

2007-01-07 4:50 am
✔ 最佳答案
The story is call Lilo & Stitch 2: Stitch Has a Glitch, The story is about an alien baby Stitch and a little gal call Lilo living together in Hawaii, Lilo wanted to enter a yearly Hula dance competition, to carry on her mother's legacy, Stitch was helpig Lilo for the preparation of the competition, however strange things starts to happen, Stitch begins to malfunction, starting to act weirdly, what looks like a small malfunction at the begining starts to get worst, and it can actually threaten Stitch's own life. The little gal Lilo had to prepare for the Hula dance competition but also in the same time, she also need to find a way to fix her alien baby.
2007-01-07 4:49 am
This story is called LILO AND STITCH 2 . It is about Sitch and a little girl Lilo, living

together in Hawaii. Lilo want to join the HULA competition, to extent her mother's glory,

and Stitch also help her with this. But some times later, many strange things happens,

Stitch have got some problems and acting strange. it seems having little problems, but

the problem is getting worse, and may even kill Stitch. On one hand, little Lilo need to

complete the competition, on the other hand, she need to help Stitch to return to normal.
參考: myself

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