Tenses(最佳解答者have 40分)

2007-01-07 4:02 am
I want some questions about Tenses.((Present tenses, Past tenses and Future Tenses)

回答 (3)

2007-01-07 4:43 am
✔ 最佳答案
Some tenses:

Absolute tenses
Future tenses. Some languages have different future tenses to indicate how far into the future we are talking about. Some of these include:
Close future tense: in the near future, soon
Hodiernal future tense: sometime today
Post-hodiernal future tense: sometime after today
Remote future tense: in the more distant future
Predictive future tense: a future tense which expresses a prediction rather than an intention, i.e. "I predict he will lose the election, although I want him to win". As such, it is really more of a mood than a tense. (Its tenseness rather than modality lies in the fact that you can predict the future, but not the past.)
Nonfuture tense: refers to either the present or the past, but does not clearly specify which. Contrasts with future.
Nonpast tense: refers to either the present or the future, but does not clearly specify which. Contrasts with past.
Not-yet tense: has not happened in present or past (nonfuture), but often with the implication that it is expected to happen in the future. (As such, is both a tense and a modality). In English, it is expressed with "not yet", hence its name.
Past tenses. Some languages have different past tenses to indicate how far into the past we are talking about.
Hesternal past tense: yesterday or early, but not remote
Hodiernal past tense: sometime earlier today
Immediate past tense: very recent past tense, e.g. in the last minute or two
Recent past tense: in the last few days/weeks/months (exact definition varies)
Remote past tense: more than a few days/weeks/months ago (exact definition varies)
Nonrecent past tense: not recent past tense, contrasting with recent past tense
Nonremote past tense: not remote past tense, contrasting with remote past tense
Prehesternal past tense: before hesternal past tense
Prehodiernal past tense: before hodiernal past tense
Preterit: past tense not marked for aspect or modality
Present tense
Still tense: indicates a situation held to be the case, at or immediately before the utterance
Absolute-relative tenses
future perfect tense: will have completed by some time in the future, will occur before some time in the future
future-in-future tense: at some time in the future, will still be in the future
future-in-past tense: at some time in the future, will be in the past
future-perfect-in-past tense: will be completed by some time which is in the future of some time in the past, eg., Sally went to work; by the time she should be home, the burglary would have been completed. (this tense does not make much sense, ask a local English professional before using it)
past perfect tense: at some time in the past, was already in the past
Relative tenses
relative future tense: is in the future of some unspecified time
relative nonfuture tense: is in the past or present of some unspecified time
relative nonpast tense: is in the present or future of some unspecified time
relative past tense: is in the past of some unspecified time
relative present tense: is in the present of some unspecified time

2007-01-06 20:45:10 補充:
Grammatical tense is a way languages express the time at which an event described by a sentence occurs. In English, this is a property of a verb form, and expresses only time-related information.

2007-01-06 20:45:47 補充:
Tenses cannot be easily mapped from one language into another. While all languages have a "default" tense with a name usually translated as "present tense" (or "simple present"), the actual meaning of this tense may vary considerably.
2008-10-02 2:25 am
樓主asked for exercises of tenses, 上面個個只系explained吾同既tenses,
2007-01-07 6:02 am
Hi, there Maria,
Must tell you what happened to me and Paul last night-it was wicked !It was about 8pm and we 1 were walking home as when we 2 this strange light in the sky and 3 a horrible howling noise coming from an old house. At first we thought it was a dog that needed help, so we 4 inside. It was really creepy! Suddenly, a ghost tried to grab us! We 5 to the door but it was shut! We tiptoed upstairs-and guess what we saw?! Witches! Monsters! Wizards! Amazing! They 6 a party! The witches 7 !The wizards 8 their special brew and jumping around! The monsters 9 exploding lollipops! The howling noise was a ghost calles Geimly, who 10 !
We 11 all night long-Puul was with the ugliest witch at the party(she 12 a green head and no teeth)! I wish I'd had my camera! We also 13 bats wing cocktails and 14 pumpkin pizzas(delicious) and worm-flavoured crisps (disgusting)! You should have come with us-it 15 the best Halloween party ever!!

1.were walking
6.were having
7.were disco dancing
8.were drinkinh
9.were eating
10.was singing
參考: My homework

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