[英文] 點樣分幾時用 Adjective , Adverb? [[ 最佳 30 分 ]]

2007-01-07 2:22 am
點樣分幾時用 Adjective , 幾時用 Adverb?

我就快考試但係而家好混淆 ~ 答得最好 30 分

回答 (9)

2007-01-07 2:56 am
✔ 最佳答案

形容詞, 用來形容物件 (noun) 或代名詞 (pronoun)

1) 放adjective 在名詞之前
例: tall tree
tall 就係adjective, tree 係noun
當你要形容一件物件, 或者一個人物之時, 便將adjective 放係個物件之前

hot water
young lady
handsome boy
naughty kid等等...

2) 放adjective 在verb "to be" 後 (即在is , are 之後), 這是用來形容pronoun (he, she, it, etc.)
he is tall.
she is fat.
it is smelly.

tall, fat, smelly 都係adjective, 佢地係用黎形容he, she 同it,
當adj 係用黎形容he she it 時, 便要放在 is are was were 後面, 如上例

3) adj + verb 'to be' (即is are...) + prepositional phrase (不過呢個幾深下...)
is fit for the work
is sick of life

呢個用法幾深, 不過其實都2) 差唔多
不過係adj 之後仲有preposition (on, in, for....) 同埋其他野

係用黎講清楚一d verb, 或者adjective, 咁樣可以令 d 動詞或形容詞既意思更清楚
1) 講verb
she sings beautifully.
'beautifully' 係adverb, 用黎講佢sing 成點, 好唔好聽, 俾'sing' 呢個動詞更多meaning

2) 講adjective
adv 講verb 容易明, 但點用黎講adjective 呢?
you speak too fast.

'too' 其實係adverb
所以adverb 都可以用係adjective 上
參考: 唔明再問啦
2007-01-11 12:12 am
ADVERBS = ADjective of VERBS
一句未加任何副詞的簡單句子 :
The baby walks.
現在加入一些描述 baby 如何走路的副詞 :
The baby walks carefully.
The baby walks slowly.
The baby walks happily.
* 副詞的位置通常都是在它所描述的動詞之後.

1. 通常加 ly 便成.
careful -- carefully
slow -- slowly
deep -- deeply
new -- newly
quiet -- quietly
2. 本身是 y 字結尾的形容詞, 先把 y 轉 i , 才加 ly.
happy -- happily
easy -- easily
healthy -- healthily
heavy -- heavily
lazy -- lazily
3. 有些形容詞本身是可當作副詞用的, 即不用作任何轉變.
early, fast, hard, late
作為 Adjective (形容詞)作為 Adverb (副詞)
an early birdHe gets up early.
a fast trainShe walks fast.
late newsHe comes late.

4. 有些副詞完全用另一個字 (不是在形容詞後加些字母).
good -- well
A good boy
The work is well done.
2007-01-07 3:12 am
An adjective is used to describe a noun

e.g .1 She is a good girl.

From the example above, good is an adjective and it describes girl which is a noun.

e.g. 2 The weather is good today.

From the second example, we can see that the adjective 'good' is used tgo describe 'whether' which is a noun.

An adverb can be used to describe a verb, an adjective or an adverb.

e.g. 3 She sings well.

"well" is an adverb which describes the verb "sings".

e.g. 4 Bill is an extremely handsome man.

From example 4. the adverb is "extremely". It is used to describe the adjective "handsome".

e.g. My teacher dances very well.

"Very", which is an adverb, describes another adverb "well".

I hope the examples and explanations can help you distinguish an adjective from an adverb.
2007-01-07 2:57 am

例如a colourful picture(一幅色彩繽紛的圖畫)
大多數既Adjective(形容詞)都係ful尾,好似colourful, beautiful,但唔係全部都係咁,要小心睇

例如He is running quickly.(他正在快速地跑步)

就好似She is extremely beautiful(她極之美麗)
好似He is running very fast(他跑得非常快)

2007-01-06 19:03:13 補充:
參考: 自己
2007-01-07 2:40 am
要分Adjective 同 Adverb,咁你首先要識乜野係動詞 (verb), 同名詞 (noun).

動詞 (verb)--即動作...
e.g 1.: My father reads newspaper everyday
e. g. 2: The boys run
兩句句子, 個動詞就係

名詞 (noun)--一樣東西的名稱
e. g.: water, animal, pencil etc....都係名詞


The boys run quickly....當中, quickly, 係adverb, 要來形容呢句句子個verb, run. 當中既quick, 要加 "ly"

e.g. beautiful girl; delicious food, careless child...etc.
以上的phrase 之中, beautiful, delicious & careless 都係adjective, 用來形容之後名詞verb.

2007-01-07 2:37 am
example: He is a THIN man
The man is THIN.

example:She speaks English WELL.
參考: ME
2007-01-07 2:37 am
When you are using adv., you are discribing a verb/ adj. & adverb
eg. 1) disvribing verb : talking loudly(adv.)

2) disvribing adj. : she is very(adv.) beautiful(adj.)

3) discribing adv.: she did it very(adv.) well(adv.)

When you are using a adj., you are discribing a noun (no matter subject or object)

eg. she is beautiful(adj.)

2007-01-06 18:41:48 補充:
2) disvribing adj. : she is very(adv.) beautiful(adj.)sorry for typing error. It should be discribingby the way if you want me to type you a chinese version please leave me a message.
2007-01-07 2:28 am

參考: 自己
2007-01-07 2:31 am


參考: Myself

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