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形容詞, 用來形容物件 (noun) 或代名詞 (pronoun)
1) 放adjective 在名詞之前
例: tall tree
tall 就係adjective, tree 係noun
當你要形容一件物件, 或者一個人物之時, 便將adjective 放係個物件之前
hot water
young lady
handsome boy
naughty kid等等...
2) 放adjective 在verb "to be" 後 (即在is , are 之後), 這是用來形容pronoun (he, she, it, etc.)
he is tall.
she is fat.
it is smelly.
tall, fat, smelly 都係adjective, 佢地係用黎形容he, she 同it,
當adj 係用黎形容he she it 時, 便要放在 is are was were 後面, 如上例
3) adj + verb 'to be' (即is are...) + prepositional phrase (不過呢個幾深下...)
is fit for the work
is sick of life
呢個用法幾深, 不過其實都2) 差唔多
不過係adj 之後仲有preposition (on, in, for....) 同埋其他野
係用黎講清楚一d verb, 或者adjective, 咁樣可以令 d 動詞或形容詞既意思更清楚
1) 講verb
she sings beautifully.
'beautifully' 係adverb, 用黎講佢sing 成點, 好唔好聽, 俾'sing' 呢個動詞更多meaning
2) 講adjective
adv 講verb 容易明, 但點用黎講adjective 呢?
you speak too fast.
'too' 其實係adverb
所以adverb 都可以用係adjective 上