
2007-01-06 8:48 pm
1,"Students have to get good grades in the A level examination in order to get a seat in Universitys because of inadequate government planning" do u agree to the statement?(4marks)
2,Michael runs a fast food shop selling pizzas in a premise owned by him in Wanchai
a)does he have any cost of using his own premise to run the fast-food shop?(3marks)
b)is there any change in the cost of using his own premise if the rental prices of the premises in WaiChai rise?(2 marks)

c)name an explain the type(s) of production that the fast-food shop is engaged in.(4mrks)

回答 (1)

2007-01-08 2:53 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. I don't agree.
University seats are scarce resources. University places are limited and not enough to satisfy all our wants for university seats no matter whether the Government plans for it or not. Even if the number of places are enoguh for our wants we always want better and more high quality degrees which we simply don't have enough resources to achieve. That's why some resource allocation methods like A-level exam results emerges o determine who can get the scarce university places.

2a) Cost is highest-valued option forgone. If Michael doesn't use the premise to run the shop, he may use it for some other purpose, like self-use or renting it out. So cost exists, which is the value derived from alternative use of the premise.

2b) It depends on the alternative use of the premise. If Michael chooses to rent it out when he doesn't run the shop, the rising rental value would certainly raise the cost of using the premise himself; otherwise, the cost is unaffected.

2c) Secondary production: the shop uses the raw materials like eggs to produce the finished products (the food readily served)
Tertiary production: the shop offers services to serve the customers by delivering the food, providing a pleasant environment for meal and so.

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