
2007-01-06 5:55 pm
Can you please provide a lot of formal vocabulary and technical terms(especially used in debates or presentation)?

回答 (2)

2007-01-20 12:26 am
✔ 最佳答案
Some logical terms and methods of reasoning, including:
── deduction演繹
── induction誘發
── begging the question/loaded language/circular argumentation
── false dilemmas全無根據的兩難推理
── polar thinking兩極性思想
── confusing sequence with causation以因果關係混淆次序
── misuse(誤用) of statistics
── overgeneralisation過度概念化
── false analogy與實際不符合的比喻
── red herrings重熏鯡魚
── straw man/ Aunt Sally

Different ways to rebut opposite arguments:
── anticipation先發制人
── concession讓步
── mockery嘲弄
── ad hominem(人身攻擊的) arguments
── redefinition
── bluster大話
── ways of seizing the initiative from the opposition

Some Examples:
── explore the issues as deeply and broadly as
── this makes nosense
── need to have “cognitive flexibility”(認知的靈活性) to spontaneously restructure [their] knowledge in adaptive response to radically(徹底地) changing situational demands.
── Literary Criticism文學批評
── concrete cases
── one’s critical and self-reflexive thinking and one’s creativity always stimulated by the fast-developing technologies.
── For decades幾十年
── contradictory statistics are piled up矛盾的統計互相碰撞擠成一團
── Yet attacking this line of arguments as mere rhetoric只是浮誇的or betrayal of reason引出原因would not much of appeal感染力.
── Most of the logical inquisitions(查究) against the one's argument appeared to be abuse of logic(濫用邏輯) carried away from the reasonable intuition.
── almost instinctively assume幾乎憑直覺認定
── ongoing conflicts(抵觸) between
── Confrontation(比較) between
── that is relevant to the cultural context of the target group in terms of conceptualization
── Conceptually概念上
── In contrast to the rationalistic(理性主義的) and forensic(辯論的) presentation
in a logical, scientific and rational manner
── personally believe
── entirely clear
── it is plausible (貌似真實的) that evolution is responsible for our consciousness
obviously a vital(極其重要的) element of the explanation
── eliminate the possibility of
── making the conversation hard to follow
── is that confidence, or stupidity?
── Perhaps it's just confidence in your own inability to learn from either argument or evidence.

2007-01-06 11:15 pm
My fellow....

I would like to stress that

dunno much

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