
2007-01-06 11:11 am


回答 (6)

2007-01-09 11:47 am
✔ 最佳答案
i know why,
The car was fine before, but after the flated tyre, the cars alignment changed because the two tyre sizes are difference, and after you but on your new tyre the alignment has been tuned so the car will turn a little bit!
You just need to do the alignment in the garage and this will cost you not more than $700! and your new tyre must be the same as the others
參考: i m an automobile engineer worked in Hyundai in South Africa
2007-01-06 7:14 pm
不如你去 check 下呔氣先, 因為呔氣左右唔平均, 都會偏向呔氣小的一方, 當然香港路面斜向左邊, 行駛係冇可能完全直線, 如果呔氣正常 , 就要比車房 check 下懸掛系統會否因上次爆呔而有損耗了.

有時間可到以下 blog 睇睇
2007-01-06 11:59 am
可能只是須要做車輪定位(alignment). 一般車行都應該有這種服務, 收費應該頗為便宜.
2007-01-06 11:58 am
Alignment problem. 四條胎並非完全一致向前。去做 Computer alignment, 中文好似叫”度胎呎”,將四條胎較回一致角度,十五分鐘搞掂。
2007-01-06 11:29 am


2007-01-06 03:31:02 補充:
2007-01-06 11:27 am
this is because the road is not as flat as you think, it is so what slightly sloped..
my car's like that too, i've been driving and there's is such problem,
and that's why you must keep "at least" one hand on the wheels..
actually it is fine, so you don't have to do any check-ups!
參考: me

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