
2007-01-06 10:36 am

回答 (2)

2007-01-06 7:49 pm
✔ 最佳答案
H.T.Lai (黎海天) 的 Topics on Certificate Geography Book 1 and 2 (2nd ed.),
Hong Kong Educational Publishing Co. 出版,
ISBN:962-948-848-5 (bk 1),962-948-849-3 (bk 2)
這兩本書有中英對照的notes,大多數用point form,好易明,加上每個topics後都有MC 同structured questions俾你當練習,好有用。
我會考只靠呢兩本書囉,得出的成績都滿意,你可以睇睇o岩唔o岩你自己。不過而家唔知有無改版,咁你問書局的人啦,可能變左3rd ed. 或4th ed.掛,點變都好有用,係封面改下,d位執一執囉 (因為對比番1st ed. 同2nd ed.都係封面大改,內容排位有異而已)。
希望幫到你啦~~~如有關於地理的問題,歡迎你email / msn我,請按入小妹的檔案查看email / msn。

2007-01-08 09:41:15 補充:
由於地理轉了新課程,所以以下幾本參考書及習作更為適合:[以下書目會以這個方法排:作者.(出版年份). 書名.(第幾版). 出版社. ISBN. 售價. ]1. H. T. Lai, Victor Yeung & Janice Wong. (2003). New Certificate Geography: Complete Notes on Issues. (1st ed.) Hong Kong Educational Publishing Co. ISBN: 9882006019. $82

2007-01-08 09:42:22 補充:
2. H. T. Lai, Victor Yeung & Janice Wong. (2003). New Certificate Geography: Complete Notes on Themes. (1st ed.) Hong Kong Educational Publishing Co. ISBN: 9882006000. $92

2007-01-08 09:42:40 補充:
3. H. T. Lai, Victor Yeung & Janice Wong. (2005). New Certificate Geography: Structured and Multiple-choice Questions on Issues (1st ed.) Hong Kong Educational Publishing Co. ISBN: 9882006035. $90

2007-01-08 09:42:53 補充:
4. H. T. Lai, Victor Yeung and Janice Wong (2004). New Certificate Geography: Structured and Multiple-choice Questions on Themes (1st ed.). Hong Kong Educational Publishing Co. ISBN: 9882006027. $87

2007-01-08 09:46:53 補充:
這個系列分theme (大主題)同issues(主題內之case study),我覺得都幾有系統性,加上筆記簡潔易明,又有mock 卷及練習,很不錯的。(sorry 啊,補充了很多次有些煩 =P,but 佢limit 我字數...)
參考: 小妹的經驗囉~~~~^^
2007-01-07 6:47 am
我自己就鐘意用Samuel Chan o既 New Way....
另外佢d MC書都好正...
仲有data response都唔錯...
參考: 自己都用緊

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