Grammar 一問

2007-01-06 8:09 am
I didn't go to John's party. You can't ______(see) me there.

應該用see 還是 have seen 還是其它??


回答 (5)

2007-01-06 8:18 am
✔ 最佳答案
我睇, 你句句子個 can't 字用錯了...
I didn't go to John's party. You couldn't have seen me there.
(我沒去john 的party, 你不可能在那兒見過我)
唔用can't 因是過去式.
之後用have seen 係因為對話人之前說我在party 見過你
詳細文法唔知點解釋, 不過用法就係咁講...
參考: 日常對話經驗
2007-01-06 9:23 am
應該係 see
意思係, 我冇去john's party, 咁就自然你見唔到我~

而且, modal verb 後面一定+一個 bare infinitive... 即係 個verb 唔需要轉任何tense/part of speech...
參考: Answer book
2007-01-06 9:06 am
have seen
because: You can't have seen me there = 你无可能见到我
You can't see me there = 你唔可以见到我 (which doesn't make sense with the sentence)
2007-01-06 8:22 am
The answer is:
I didn't go to John's party. You can"t see me there.

After model verbs(can could may might must), we use the original form of verbs.

1. May I go to the washroom?
2. Must we follow all the regulations?
3. She could make some sounds, but not sing.

既然佢俾你既timing既past tesnse
點解佢之後個句會用present tense呢??
I didn't go to John's party. You couldn't see me there. Could you?
參考: 自己=]
2007-01-06 8:15 am
The answer is see
I didn't go to John's party. You can't see me there.

Eg, I can buy a cup of coffee to you.
I can borrow a book to you.
He has no money, he cannot buy the toy.

2007-01-06 00:23:28 補充:
The right answer should be ----I didn't go to John's party. You couldn't see me there

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