請問大家知唔知 "World Trade Centre" (電影) 的主題曲和本戲的其他歌??

2007-01-06 7:13 am
請問大家知唔知 "World Trade Centre" (電影) 的主題曲和本戲的其他歌??

有的話,請只給名稱 or 網址


回答 (1)

2007-01-06 7:47 pm
✔ 最佳答案

Composer: Craig Armstrong

Track List:
1. World Trade Center Cello Theme
2. World Trade Center Piano Theme
3. New York Awakes
4. The Drive Downtown
5. Rise Above The Towers
6. World Trade Center Choral Piece
7. John & Donna Talk About Their Family
8. Ethereal Listen Listen
9. John’s Woodshed
10. Marine Arrives At Ground Zero
11. Will And Allison In The Hospital
12. Allison At The Stoplight
13. Jimeno Sees Jesus
14. John And Will Found/Will Ascends
15. John’s Apparition
16. John Rescued/Resolution
17. Elegy
18. Ethereal Piano Coda

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