英文的 tense

2007-01-06 4:51 am
我想問幾先要用past prefect tense 嫁(即had+p.p)

同埋past prefect tense係咩?

回答 (4)

2007-01-06 6:38 am
✔ 最佳答案
Past Perfect 過去完成式:過去的當然是完成的啦?其實是在過去中有很多事在很多不同狀態中。有些是與現在豪無關係,有些一直進行到現在,有些用以比較其他動作。

Past Perfect 比 simple past 的動作先作出的動作。
(即如果句子只有一個動詞,用 simple past 已可以了。)

e.g. I had finished my dinner already when my mother came home with some sandwiches.
2007-01-06 5:08 am
for example: I had eaten an apple before I have eaten dinner.
在present perfect tense之前用before or 在past tense之前用before


indirect speech 轉做reported speech的時候
for example:
1. 'Tom ate an apple yesterday' , Ada told my mother.

Ada told my mother that Tom had eaten an apple the day before.

2. 'Tom has eaten an apple', Ada told my mother.

Ada told my mother that Tom had eaten an apple.
參考: myself
2007-01-06 4:58 am
past prefect tense 係用於 過去發生既一個action..而且有指明時間性的


i had been eaten five apples in the garden during the summer holiday

我係暑假既時候, 係菜園入面食左5個蘋果

↑指明既時間性 ↑過去發生左既一個action
2007-01-06 4:57 am
past perfect tense=過去完成式!
Had you done ........?

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