
2007-01-06 3:46 am

回答 (2)

2007-01-06 6:46 am
賭場風雲中嘅阿榮咪 metrosexual 囉。成日 baby、honey 咁,必飲湯呀剩。有啲男人又唔係 gay 但著衫行為又好似乸乸哋,咁我哋就形容佢係 metrosexual 嘞。
2007-01-06 4:17 am
Metrosexuality is, according to British journalist Mark Simpson, the trait of an urban male of any sexual orientation (usually heterosexual) who has a strong aesthetic sense and spends a great amount of time and money on his appearance and lifestyle.

即係一個都市男性, 花好多時間同金錢去打扮同追求生活品味

好似好多男藝人都會咁, 花好多錢買衫, 做形象, 買車, 食貴0野, 買奢侈品咁啦

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