how to write a good book report?

2007-01-06 2:12 am
How to write a good book report?

回答 (2)

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Your should consist of the following points :
1. Write down the title, author, publisher.
2. What type of book is it? (science fiction, detective story, adventure story, romance, etc.)
3. What is the book about? Write a summary.
4. Do you like the book? Why(not)?
5. Who is your favourite character? Describle or draw him/her/it.
6. Do you like the ending? If not, how will you change it?
7. Have you learnt anything from this book?

Hope I can help you. No copy.

2007-01-06 20:20:14 補充:
You can also write down the new vocabularies which you don't know to improve your English.
參考: My English teacher. No copy.
2007-01-06 2:15 am
Understand the book and use more vocabulary.

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