




回答 (3)

2007-01-06 2:07 pm
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In USA, you can tell / point out the mistake directly the teacher. They will go over it and keep their mind open!
Sometime kids point out her mistake in the class. She smile and said you guy do a great job!
My kid got “F” in the test. She got all the answer right but she didn’t highlight the whole sentence in the worksheet (she only highlight the answer). I talked to the teacher next day and ask her why. My kid brought home that test with A+.

* * *

On the other hand, in Hong Kong, that is not easy!! Like we always said about “our face”’ they feel like they lost their “face”. Not all teachers like that but a lot of them are!
They don’t have open mind. I were you, I will talk to the teacher privately, no other students around. The teacher may easy to accept he/she made a mistake. I understand that, some teacher will hold that against you. If that happen, you should talk to your parent and ask them talk to the teacher with you in a nice way. If that still not working; go to the principle with your parent and explain what happen.

People feel offence when someone told them they made mistake. Sometime, I feel like that too! NO KIDDING !! I believe that why we are human. I truly believe that “you learn until the day you die”. I still learn form my kid!

Wish you the best !!
Be a Hero!
2007-01-06 8:25 am
因为是人都会犯错, 老师都是人, 那犯错是实属平常.
但是, 在香港的老师就不一定了.那要视'fu' 那个老师的心理质素而作.

总之, 这也要看你想法了. 你是不是一个不畏强权, 只有公理的人哪?
2007-01-06 5:13 am
if i m a student , i will tell the teacher,if the teacher agree then it's fine, if the teacher doesn't agree, i will ask her/him why and discuss with her/him

if i m a parent,i think i will tell my son/daugther to tell the teacher cuz it's only a small case

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