
2007-01-06 2:03 am
The contrary youth often can give the person some negative words and expressions to describe, if the storm youth, in the storm noun explained does not have an advantage to the social hundred evils, actually the youth is very many plastic, they like the water to be same, possibly brings the disaster to the people, but also has the possibility is the society must, therefore if thought they to the proper way advance, most important are social and the family joint effort

回答 (3)

2007-01-06 2:18 am
✔ 最佳答案
Contary youth used to described in terms of negative by the public. Most likely they seemed to contribute nothing to the society. Actually, the plasticity of them is very high and meant something to the society. In order to help them to go in a right way, the support from faily and society are very important.

2007-01-05 18:20:47 補充:
老實講~你都好照字面易~~storm youth唔等於暴風少年storm noun 更加係唔存在嫁~~
參考: 我都係跟你個意思去改~唔知有冇歪曲左呀~~~
2007-01-06 8:37 am
In contrast / Contrarily / On the contrary, youths are often described by negative words and expressions such as yobs and storming kids, because the word storm contributes nothing but disasters to the society.
However, youths are full of plasticity; they are like water, they can destroy but they can provide. Therefore it is important for both the society and families to be supportive, and lead them to live a prosperous life.

2007-01-08 23:54:35 補充:
2007-01-06 2:10 am
有無中文譯本呀, 好似唔多明喎.

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