請問去 新加坡 住邊間酒店交通最方便及近市中心?

2007-01-06 12:49 am
請問去 新加坡 住邊間酒店交通最方便及近市中心?

回答 (4)

2007-01-09 6:01 pm
✔ 最佳答案
You may find all Singapore Hotel information from the Singapore official website


Actualling Singapore is not a big city. Most Hotel is very convenience.
Such in China Town, River Side, Marina Area, Orchild Road, City Hall etc.

It costs from HKD300 to HKD2000 per room.

I've reserved a hotel - Swissohotel Merchant Court, beside Chake Quary (MRT Chake Quary Station) at Chinese New Year Holiday (2 nights) with HKD2100.

Please be noted that 15% Tax & Surchange would apply on general price list of hotels.
I've one from my travel agent can be sending to you for ref.
Best regards,
2007-01-06 11:15 pm
住烏節路ORCHARD ROAD一帶的酒店, 如mandarin oriental south tower / park hotel orchard (formerly crown hotel at orchard) / meritus negara / MARRIORT; 事關烏節路有MRT, 搭的士或坐巴士都方便;

除左烏節路, 住CHINA TOWN唐人街的FURAMA CITY CENTRE都不錯, 價錢比上述平一點; 酒店新CHINA TOWN MRT STATION, 或去牛車水, 食D特色小吃如咖椰多士及肉骨茶都不錯!
2007-01-06 7:25 am
可以考慮烏節路(Orchard Road)沿線的酒店. 晚上的Orchard Road仿似香港的彌敦道, 挺熱鬧的. 五星級的Mandarin Oriental是其中一個選擇, 但房租都幾貴. 另可選擇Orchard Road前端的四星級酒店. 雖然遠少少, 但距離最近的地鐵站(MRT Station)只有約五分鐘的步程. 筆者曾經入住Orchard Hotel及Orchard Parade Hotel. 感覺都不錯. Orchard Hotel較光鮮, 浴室可以收聽電台電視節目. Orchard Parade Hotel房間空間較大.

以上只是自己的經驗, 另可參考其他意見, 例如Asia Rooms.com , 希望可以幫到你!
參考: 筆者新加坡旅遊的經驗.
2007-01-06 4:28 am
Mandarin Oriental Singapore is convenient and 最方便及近市中心

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