
2007-01-06 12:48 am

回答 (2)

2007-01-06 1:01 am
✔ 最佳答案
其實要depends on 你去澳洲邊度同目的
breakfast : abt AUS$10, Lunch abt AUS$15, Dinner abt AUS$20, Transportation abt AUS$6 (try to find da one-day ticket, which is cheaper!!)

Daily expenses: abt AUS$52
9 days abt AUS$500

當然成個trip嘅expenses可拉上補下!而且也不是every meal是我所說的!但 有abt AUS$500,你可以放心!! abt extra AUS$150-200 for souveniors~

suggestion: bring along ur HK ATM card then withdraw the money in Aus, the currancy will be cheaper, but pls remember to check the handling fee with ur bank~

2007-01-05 17:06:50 補充:
如上述: AUS$80 per day, 可以在AUS有較好享受!!present currancy: AUS$1 = abt HK$6或在這link查看 http://hk.finance.yahoo.com/q?s=HKDAUD=X
參考: my 4 years life experience in Aus
2007-01-06 12:53 am
About AUS80/per day, includes nice meals and transport. So AUS1,000 should be enough if you not going to shop too much.

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