
2007-01-05 11:20 pm
先從學校入手,因為青年一天裡大部份時間也是留在學校的,而學校的環境,政策及同學是最影響青年的,學校怎樣看待同學,如果學校因青年一些越軌行為而標籤他為越軌青年,這青年很快便會無心向學,從而尋找和自己情況相同的青年.學校不應隨便張學生標籤及(踢出校). 「學校的發展政策可以多樣性多元化發展,因為青年很可能在書本難以取得成功感,如果多元化發展便有機會讓學生作多面的嘗試.另可多推出輔導或支援問題學生小組,多推行户外活動,義工等, 」《青少年價值觀及違規行為探索》,香港:三聯書店,1999,頁79)增加青年對學校的歸屬感,自自然然會喜歡學校, 再而跟從學校的正面觀念.

回答 (3)

2007-01-06 10:26 pm
Since youths spend most of their time in school every day, we'd better take school into account in the first place. The environment, policy and students of a school, as well as how the school treats its students, have significant influence on teenagers. If the school labels its students as deviants simply because of their misdemeanors, those being so labelled will lose interest in their studies and turn to peers with similar problems. Therefore, schools should not have their students ill-labelled or even expelled without careful consideration. As mentioned in the book entitled 'Insight into the values and deviant behaviour of youths' (p.79, published in Hong Kong by the Joint Publishing Co. Ltd.), considering the fact that youths may not be able to get a sense of achievement in their academic performance, schools shall implement a diversified development policy for their students so as to provide them with opportunities for development in various aspects. Meanwhile, schools may set up more counselling or support groups for problem students and organise more outdoor activities and voluntary services. All these measures help promote among the students a sense of belonging and then fondness for their schools so that they will at the end of the day become receptive of the ideas and messages conveyed by their schools.
2007-01-06 8:15 am
We should start with school since teenagers spend most of their time per day in the school. The environment, policy and students of the school excert the greatest effect on young people. How the school values its students is also an important factor. If the school labels students as deviants because of their deviant behaviours, these teenagers will soon lose their interests in learning. They will search for other youngsters having similar situation as they do. The school should not casually label students nor should they order them to leave the school. "There can be diverse development for the school development policy because teenagers may find difficulties to gain satisfication from books. Students are allowed to try in different aspects under diverse development. More counselling or supporting groups for students in need can be provided. Also, more outdoor activities, voluntary services or other similar activities should be promoted as well." < > (Hong Kong: Joint Publishing, 1999, page 79) By increasing the sense of belonging of the teenagers towards to school, they will naturally love their schools and eventually they will follow the positive values of the school.
參考: my own translation
2007-01-06 3:26 am
First from school obtaining,Because the youth in one day the major part time also keeps the school,But school environment,The policy and schoolmate most affect the youth,How does the school regard schoolmate,Because but if the school youth some go off course the behavior the label he for goes off course the youth,This youth very quick then can study unintentionally,Thus seeks with own situation same youth.The school should not the casual student label and (kicks leaves school). “The school development policy may the multiple multiplication development,Because the youth very possibly with difficulty obtains the success feeling in the books,If the multiplex development then has the opportunity to let the student make the multi-surface the attempt.May promote counselling or the support question student group in addition,Multi-carrying out outdoors activity,Voluntary worker and so on, Young people values and contrary behavior exploration", Hong Kong: San Lien Book Store, 1999, the page 79) increases the youth to the school sense of belonging,Natural can like the school, But again with from school positive idea

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