Physics Exam1

2007-01-05 10:35 pm
Marcia uses a bow to shoot an arrow with initial velocity of magnitude vO and at an angle theta above the horizontal. When the arrow returns to the same height from which it started:
a. The speed of the arrow is twice vO.
b. The speed of the arrow is 9.8 times larger than vO.
c. The speed of the arrow is again vO.
d. The speed of the arrow is the square root of (2 vO).

回答 (2)

2007-01-05 10:40 pm
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2007-01-05 15:01:26 補充:

2007-01-05 15:01:58 補充:
2007-01-05 10:42 pm
Since in the question, it is stated that the arrow returns to the same height.

Therefore, there is neither gain nor loss of gravitational potential energy (g.p.e.) for the arrow.

Assuming that air resistance is negligible, there is no kinetic energy (k.e.) loss for the arrow.

Hence, at the moment when the arrow returns to the same height, the mechanical energy is conserved and the kinetic energy of the arrow remains the same as the moment when it was shot.

Thus, its speed will be vO again.

Answer: C

Note: Since in the question choices, the word used is "speed" but not "velocity". Therefore we can choose C even though the directions of movement at that two points are different.
參考: My Physics knowledge

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