法文 TO 中文

2007-01-05 9:48 pm
C'est fou ce qu'il y a à dire sur les voeux des présidents ! C'est beaucoup plus révélateur que ça n'en a l'air !

What is that mean in Chinese/Eng??

回答 (4)

2007-01-06 12:07 am
✔ 最佳答案
What can be said about presidents’ wishes is incredible. It is much more revealing than it appears.
2007-01-06 9:48 am
以上各位, 係" vœux "唔係" voeux "啊. 而家啲在線翻譯器翻譯得好差啊!!

廣東話: 於其話校長/總統嘅講話偏激,不於話佢想激發我哋仲好啦!!

In english: I supposed the president would inspire anyone rather than he was exceeding.

I hope that can figure your question out,period! :)

Je désire qu'il y a une aide pour toi,c'est ça! :)
2007-01-05 9:54 pm
In English:
It is insane what there is to say on the wishes of the presidents! It is much more revealing than that does not have the air of it!
2007-01-05 9:52 pm
It is insane what there is to say on the wishes of the presidents! It is much more revealing than that does not have the air of it!

2007-01-05 13:54:04 補充:
它是瘋狂的什麼那裡將說在總統的願望! 它比那沒有空氣它是顯露!

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