Thesis statement---help help

2007-01-05 9:37 pm
Please hep me to correct the thesis statement. they are not specfic please help me with.
1)The purpose of this essay is to illustrate the differences of opinions that society has when confronted with the issue of second-hand smoke.
2)The first atomic bomb was tested and used in 1945.
3)Today’s movies teach children that violence and sex are ok.

回答 (2)

2007-01-06 7:15 am
✔ 最佳答案
If you just want to make the following statements more specific, you may say:

1) This essay aims to illustrate the different opinions of local citizens on the possible ways of minimizing second-hand smoke.

2) The first atomic bomb was used to attack Hiroshima on 6 August 1945.

3) Today's movies seem to send a wrong message to immature children and teenagers that sex and violence are acceptable, not morally wrong.

2007-01-05 23:18:24 補充:
3) you can also say -- category III movies (三級片)
2007-01-12 6:47 pm
A thesis statement must state the standpoint/view of the essay. You may improve it as follows:

The dropping of the first atomic bomb is morally wrong.

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