勁easy ...都有成20分...係40分a..40分最緊要(快,簡,明)only one day

2007-01-05 9:40 am
in , at ,on , for . the., from of~點用~特別係of for ,from

回答 (6)

2007-01-05 7:50 pm
✔ 最佳答案

2007-01-05 11:51:23 補充:
in:在...內、中/在‥之間(時間)at:處於‥(倩形/狀熊)on:在‥上 for:為了、適合於、對於the:特定人或事物、己提過或正談到的人或事物from:從‥起、出於of:屬於、在其中
參考: YAHOO 詞典
2007-01-06 1:30 am
1. 在...裡,在...上
The two brothers study in the same class.
The telephone is in the little study on the ground floor.
2. 在...之內;在...方面
He is lacking in courage.
3. 從事於;參加著
She is in business.
4. 穿著,戴著
He is dressed in black.
5. 朝,向
She hurried away in the opposite direction.
6. (表示手段,方法,材料)用,以
They paid in cash.
7. 在...期間;在...以後
He'll come back in a week.
I haven't met her in a long time.
8. 處在...中
The room was in disorder.
9. (表示數量,程度,比例)按,以;在...中
One child in twenty has this disease.
10. 在...身上,在...上
In him I see a future leader.
11. (表示過程)在...當兒;在...過程中
The work is in progress.
12. (表示動作的方向和結果)進入到...中;成,為
He pushed a button and set the machine in motion.

1. 在...地點
They were already waiting at the gate when I got there.
2. 在...時刻
Jane will meet her boy friend at Christmas.
3. 向,朝,對著
Don't shout at me.
4. 在...方面
He is an expert at troubleshooting.
5. 因為,由於
I woke at the sound of the bell.
6. 從事於,忙於
He is working hard at this thesis.
7. 以(某種價格,速度等)
They sold the cloth at a dollar a yard.

1. 在...上
He laid a hand on my shoulder.
2. 以...支持,掛在...上;以...為軸
There is a picture on the wall.
3. 朝,向
4. 靠近,在...旁,沿著
She stood on my left.
5. 在...的時候,在...後立即
He jumped with joy on hearing the news.
6. 關於,有關
The teacher made comments on our compositions.
7. 以...方式,通過
Did you hear it on the radio?
8. 憑...,靠...;使用...,吃...
They said they were acting on instructions.
9. 處於...狀態,進行中
10. 屬於...,參加...,是...的成員
He is on the school volleyball team.
11. 加之於,重疊於
12. 由...支付
Have another coffee on me.
13. 帶在...身上

1. 為,為了
They fought for national independence.
This letter is for you.
2. 代替;代表
We used boxes for chairs.
3. 因為,由於
I am sorry for what I said to you.
4. 在(指定時間)
The meeting is arranged for 9 o'clock.
5. (表示時間,距離等)達,計
You can see for miles from the roof.
6. 對於,關於;在...方面
I am too old for the job.
7. 為得到,為贏得
He sent the waiter for a packet of cigarettes.
8. 以...為代價;以...交換
He sold his car for 500 dollars.
9. 當作,作為
Do you take me for a millionaire?
10. 贊成;支持;傾向於
Are you for the government or against it?
11. 朝...方向去;往,向
He left for Taipei.
12. 就...而言
She is sophisticated for her age.
1. 因為,由於
We must start early, for it will take two hours to drive to the airport.

1. 這(個),那(個)
Do you know the man talking to the boss?
2. 這些,那些
Have you got the letters I sent you?
1. (用於形容詞,副詞比較級前)越...越...
The sooner, the better.
The older he gets, the more active he becomes.
2. (用於比較級前)更加
If you put in a good word for him, he's all the more likely to get the job.

1. 從...起,始於
She is singing from morning to night.
2. 從;由
He rose from office boy to managing director in fifteen years.
3. 離(開)
Our school is two miles from the station.
4. 從...來;出自
He comes from Shanghai.
5. (表示去除,免掉,阻止,剝奪等)
The pill will relieve you from pain.
6. (表示區別,比較)
He is old enough to know right from wrong.
7. (表示原料)由
Flour is made from wheat.
8. 因為,由於;出於
He wasn't ill; he stayed in bed from laziness.

1. ...的,屬於
Mr. Brown is a friend of mine.
2. 用...做成的;由...製成
The house is of stone.
3. 含有...的;裝有...的
4. ...之中的;...的成員
Of all the students in this class, Tom is the best.
5. (表示同位)
He came to New York at the age of ten.
6. (表示受格關係)
He gave a lecture on the use of solar energy.
7. (表示主格關係)
We waited for the arrival of the next bus.
I have the complete works of Shakespeare.
8. 來自...的;出自
He was a graduate of the University of Hawaii.
9. 因為
Her son died of hepatitis.
10. 在...方面
My aunt is hard of hearing.
11. 【美】(時間)在...之前
12. (表示具有某種性質)
It is a matter of importance.

in, at, on, for, from, of --> commonly called preposition
參考: Dr.eye
2007-01-05 10:41 am
2007-01-05 10:25 am
A man in a box.
A man at his desk.
A man on his knees.
A man for his people
A man of his word.
A man from the moon.
2007-01-05 10:06 am
Example :
There is a pen in the box . 在箱中有一枝筆
I go to bed at midnight . 我在午夜時睡覺
There is an apple on the table . 有一個蘋果在檯上
I buy it for you . 我買給你的
For example ...... [something....] 給你例子.....
The girl who are playing basketball is my sister . 在那邊打籃球的女孩是我姐姐
Where are you from ? 你在何處來的 ?
The King Of King . 王中之王

參考: myself
2007-01-05 9:45 am

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