What is net force?

2007-01-05 12:19 am

回答 (4)

2007-01-05 2:02 am
✔ 最佳答案
A net force (also known as a resultant force) is a vector produced when two or more forces act upon a single object. It is calculated by adding the force vectors acting upon the object. A net force can also be defined as the overall force acting on an object, when all the individual forces acting on the object are added together.

Hope this helps... :)
2007-01-05 8:28 am
Fn is the vector sum of all the forces on a body. If it is not zero, then the body is accelerating at rate a = Fn/m
2007-01-05 8:28 am
It's the vector sum of all the forces.

A block on an inclined plane with the wind blowing and a rocket motor on it has

aerodynamic force
propulsive force from the rocket

Add 'em up to get the net force.
2007-01-05 8:27 am
It is the force resulting from the addition of all forces acting on a body. An example: the net force acting on someone who is still is zero because the force of gravity is compensated by a force acting in the opposite direction by the floor, or whatever is beneath.

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