點解students唔使加 ' ?

2007-01-05 6:19 am
All the error samples are real – they were produced by Hong Kong students writing in English.

點解students唔使加 ' ?

回答 (3)

2007-01-05 7:54 am
✔ 最佳答案
All the error samples are real – they were produced by Hong Kong students writing in English.

The above sentence can be rewritten as:

All the error samples are real - they were produced by Hong Kong students [who were] writing in English.


All the error samples are real - they were produced by Hong Kong students [who wrote] in English.

Sometimes, it's okay to omit words in English to improve the flow of a sentence. It will require a far wordier explanation and several more examples to illustrate my point - may be some other time!

Also, it would be wrong to add an apostrophe after "students" because, then, you are saying:

Hong Kong students' writing in English produced the error samples.

which doesn't make sense.

2007-01-05 12:03:53 補充:
魯效陽 ([email protected])2007年1月5日帶有限定子句的複合句,常可利用分詞(現在分詞或過去分詞),而改成簡單句,二者意思相似,例如:There are many patients who are waiting outside.(複合句)There are many patients waiting outside.(簡單句)Those who have been chosen as representatives must come.(複合句)Those chosen as representatives must come.(簡單句)
2007-01-05 8:23 am
其實你既意思係想寫 "學生的文章". 理論上要加個 "'S" OR " ' " 比個NOUN
但係呢個係 ENGLISH 既 TRICKY既地方~

因為你個 " HONG KONG STUDENTS" 係形容緊個 "WRITING"呢個字~ 而 REFERRING TO 第二樣野 既 NOUN 已經有 ADJ 既用途~ 即例如最普通的 "PRETTY WOMAN" 的PRETTY 一樣~ 我地係唔會係 將 PRETTY WOMAN 寫成 PRETTY'S WOMAN~ 因為PRETTY 係形容詞, 形容緊個NOUN (WOMAN) PRETTY....

而呢個CASE, 一樣~ "HONG KONG STUDENTS" 就係形容緊個WRITING, 係有指出 個WRITING 既出處~ 所以咁寫係ARM 的!!!
2007-01-05 6:35 am

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