What is the meaning of Elven?Is it an Englisg name for male?

2007-01-05 6:13 am
Please use English to answer this question.
Is it Elven is French?

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2007-01-05 8:25 am
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From Wiki:
Elf can be pluralised both as elves and elfs. Something associated with elves or the qualities of elves is described by the adjectives elven, elvish, elfin or elfish. A convention of modern fantasy usage is: the v in elven or elvish refers to human-sized elves (who correspond more closely to the mythology of the Viking Era), whereas the f in elfin or elfish refers to tiny-sized elfs (who correspond more closely to the folklore of the Renaissance and Romantic Eras). They are also called:

Germany: Elfen, Elben, Alben (the last one was used by Richard Wagner)
Great Britain: addler (obsolete)
Netherlands: elfen, elven, alven <===== ELVEN
Denmark: alfer, elvere, elverfolk, ellefolk or huldrer.
Iceland: álfar, álfafólk and huldufólk (hidden people)
Norway: alver, alfer or elvefolk
Sweden: alfer, alver or älvor (Älvor translates to fairies)

The boy's name Elvin is pronounced EL-vin. It is of Old English origin, and its meaning is "elf friend; highborn friend". Variant of Alvin.

Elvin has 7 variant forms: Elven, Elvern, Elvyn, Elwin, Elwinn, Elwyn and Elwynne. <==== ELVEN

For more information, see also the related name Alvern. Similar baby name suggestions for Elvin are Alvin, Alvan, Alvyn and Alven. Search for more names similar to Elvin starting with El-, Elv-, Elvi- or ending with -in, -vin, -lvin, -elvin.

Elvin is a popular male first name and a popular surname, according to the 1990 U.S. Census. Displayed below is the baby name popularity trend for the boy's name Elvin. Click here to compare Elvin with its variants.

So as you can see, Elven can be either a name for elves or an English name for male.
2007-01-05 8:22 am
Elven isn't a name. It is the adjective of the noun Elf, which is a mythical creature that is usually interpretted as little people with pointy ears. Elves can be seen in numerous literature (the Lord of the Rings being a prime example).

In other words, ELVEN effectively means OF ELF or OF THE ELVES. Or if saying someone is an elf, it is equally correct to say that the person is elven.

Elven is a very uncommon word, often considered as old English. I presume that the source of this word is from a fatasy fiction, as these books are the most likely place one can find a word as such.

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