what is ram

2007-01-05 4:38 am
what is ram
what is the diffence of ram and hardisc

回答 (3)

2007-01-05 6:58 am
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RAM is Random Access Memory.
It is some sort of electronic chips used by computer internally to store temporary/working data while the computer is running. Its nature is fast, expensive and its memory status needs electricity to maintain. You cannot control when or how to store, read or delete data on RAM since it is controlled by the computer internally. When you power off or reboot the computer, all the data on the RAM will be clear off.

Harddisc is a storage device. It uses one or more magnetic disc to store data. Its nature is slow, cheap and its memory status does not need electricity to maintain. You can install Windows or save file to harddisk directly. However, you cannot install Windows nor save file to RAM directly. When you power off or reboot the computer, all previous saved data on the harddisc will not lost since its storage depends on magnetic.

RAM 的全名是Random Access Memory
RAM 基本上是一些電子晶片供電腦運行時,內部去儲存一些臨時資料.它的特點是快,貴,而且它需要電力去維持它的儲存狀態.你亦不能直接控制何時及如何去儲存,讀取或删除RAM上的資料,因它是電腦內部使用.當電腦關掉或重啓後,所有在RAM上的資料都會全部消失.
Harddisc 是一種儲存設備.它使用一隻或多隻磁碟去儲存資料.它的特點是慢,平.而且它不需要電力去維持它的儲存狀態.你可安裝Windows及儲存文件於Harddisc上,但你能安裝Windows及儲存文件於RAM上.當電腦關掉或重啓後,所有在Harddisc上的資料都會消失,因它的儲存原理是用磁力的.
2007-01-05 6:48 am
RAM=Random access memory是記憶体的一種、可以修改後又貯藏、另一種是RoM=read only memory,只能讀‧不能修改
Hard disk 是硬件機器
2007-01-05 4:49 am

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