2007-01-05 3:43 am
想問大家知唔知P&G的logistics manager salaries有幾多? 我做了5年野, 但都是在政府機構工作!

回答 (1)

2007-01-07 12:44 am
✔ 最佳答案
If P&G offers you a place, I suggest you to accept the offer immediately regardless the salary. It is a good company with lots of high quality training, and high quality exposure to the business world. You will never regret to spend few years of your life time in the company.

If they decide to take you in, likely they will offer you a package as good or better than your current compensation. You should not worry about it.

You should just worry if they would ever offer you.

Good luck : )
參考: C How

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