
2007-01-05 3:40 am
今天,我去了一家玩具店,突然我看中了一個機器貓,經過老闆細心地講術後.我決定買了它 .這隻機器貓不但會說話 , 還懂得逗人開心 . 有一天 , 在我準備上學前 , 它躲進了我的書包裡 .在我上課途中突然跑出來 , 嚇得我驚訝起來 .最後因為機器貓用英文說話而逗得老師開心 , 所以我幸運地躲過一劫 .

回答 (6)

2007-01-05 3:49 am
✔ 最佳答案
Today, I went to a toy shop. Suddenly I saw a robot kitty and decided to buy it home after the shopkeeper's detailed description. This robot cat was able to talk and make people laugh. One day, when I was preparing to go to school, the robot cat had got into my schoolbag. Then, it suddenly came out from my bag during lessons. It made me very afraid. Luckily, the cat could speak in English to make my teacher happy, so I had not been punished.
2007-01-07 4:39 am
Today, I went to a toy shop. Suddenly, I saw a cute robbot cat. After the explaination of the boss, I decided to buy it.

This robbot cat can speak, and makes people happy. One day, before I went to school, she hided in my school bag. During lesson, she suddenly jumped out and it scared me! Luckily, she can speak English and made the teacher happy. Therefore, I was not punished by the teacher.
2007-01-05 8:08 am
The other day I visited a toy shop where I was attracted to a robot cat. Having considered the shop-owner's detailed description about how the robot cat spoke our language and cheered us up, I decided to buy that gadget. One day, before I set out for school, the robot cat slipped into my schoolbag. The cat startled me by popping out in the middle of the class. I was lucky enough to be saved from punishment by the cat's ability to speak English which succeeded in pleasing our teacher.

今天之後不可能再出現有一天,its illogical.
Today, I went to a toy shop. Suddenly, I saw a cute robbot cat. After the explaination of the boss, I decided to buy it.

This robbot cat can speak, and makes people happy. One day, before I went to school, she hided in my school bag. During lesson, she suddenly jumped out and it scared me! Luckily, she can speak English and made the teacher happy. Therefore, I was not punished by the teacher.

Hope I can help you. No copy.

2007-01-04 21:12:42 補充:
Corrections : After the detailed explaination of the robbot cat by the boss, ..........
參考: My composition. No copy.
2007-01-05 3:51 am
I think it is like this.....
Today, I went to a toy shop, suddenly I saw a robotic cat which I like, after the carefully explain from the boss, I decided to buy it. This robotic cat knows how to talk, it can even make others happy! One day, before I get ready to go to school, it hid in my schoolbag. The time I am going to school, it ran out of my schoolbag, it scared me and I was surprised. At last, it was lucky that my robotic cat know how to use English to speak and it made the teacher happy, so I can luckily be saved.

I hope I can help you. I also used Yahoo Dictionary to help me for some words. You can try that too!
2007-01-05 3:49 am
I went to a Toy shop today, and a robot cat caught my eyes, after detail description by the owner, I have decided to buy it. This robot cat not only speaks, it also knows how to make you happy. One day, I was preparing to go to school, but somehow it was hidden it my school bag, and on the way to my class, it jumped out and gave me a surprise, because it made my teacher so happy when it speaks english to her, I was lucky to get away with bringing the robot cat to school

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