為何【Fire】有 解僱 的意思?

2007-01-05 3:33 am
本身【Fire】意指「火」,但為何【Fire】也有 解僱 的意思?

回答 (5)

2007-01-05 8:51 am
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跟據以下多篇參考証明,其實以‘fire’ 作為一個解僱意思是源自美國的俚語,最初是跟‘out’一起用才有‘解僱’的意思(1871年);至1885年單用‘fire’就已有‘解雇之意。至於在那個時期, ‘fire’尚有‘用力轟出’或‘驅逐出校’,‘作品被畫展拒之門外’等意思。可見‘fire’在19世紀已經不止是‘火’的意思,其意思尚有‘驅逐/轟出’等意思。‘解僱’不就是‘把一個人驅逐/轟出公司’嗎?
(2)另有據以下某些文章說,這亦可能跟另一英文詞語‘Discharge’有關,因為‘Discharge’本身有‘fire a gun(射擊)’及‘discharge from a position(免職)’兩種意思;因此當‘Discharge’此詞被用上,人們就會聯想起以上兩種意思,慢慢亦有人索性把‘fire ’也解作‘discharge from a position’的意思。
To fire meaning 'to dismiss from employment' is American slang and, according to the Random House Historical Dictionary of American Slang, first appeared with this meaning in the 1880s. It was initially used with "out": "If Gould fires you out, the only railroad in Texas that will employ you will be some street railroad" (Sweet & Knox, Texas Siftings, 1882). Fire also meant more generally 'to eject forcibly': "The disgusted woman banged the vulture of crime over the head with a broom and fired him" (1885, cited in the Dictionary of American English). More specifically, fire or fire out meant 'to expel from school': "This is what I got fired for from my last school, too. I've been fired from three schools for it" (Tarkington, Clarence, 1919).
The OED also has an 1892 citation in which fire means 'to reject a picture sent in for an exhibition: "Artists of genuine ability have found their canvases fired" (The Nation, New York ).
Although the sense of 'ejecting' a person originated in the 19th century, it probably derives from the sense of ejecting a thing, specifically ejecting a missile from a fire-arm (maybe the discharge of a cannonball, though not with a person attached). Shakespeare wrote in Love's Labor's Lost: "Is that Lead slow which is fir'd from a Gunne?"
The v. sense of "sack, " dismiss is first recorded 1885 in Amer.Eng., probably from a play on the two meanings of discharge: "to dismiss from a position," and "to fire a gun," the second sense being from "set fire to gunpowder," attested from 1530.
fire:The easiest way to get rid of a union member was to fire that person. 'Fire' has meant to dismiss from employment since 1885, with to 'fire (out)' having meant to eject or throw a person out since 1871.
The sense meaning to be discharged from a job is US slang dating to 1885. The reason for the term's adoption is not known. There is an old sense of fire meaning to drive away using fire , but that use died out in the 19th century and is not likely to be the meaning. My guess would be that it comes from the sense of fire a gun. You can use discharge to mean fire a gun or fire an employee. But there is no evidence, it is only a guess.
2007-01-23 5:27 pm
you are fired :)
2007-01-05 3:54 am

it 's a
verb+noun phrase.

1. We had to fire him for dishonesty..

2.She got fired from her first job/

3.He was responsible for hiring and firing staff.
2007-01-05 3:54 am

由於當中的演變過程太漫長及複雜,很多時候當中的故事亦無從偕考。就如:YOU SEE?你明白嗎,亦解作你看見嗎。又或者中文的炒魷魚明明是一碟菜色,但是為何也解作解僱哩?我相信很多人也不會知道答案。
2007-01-05 3:44 am
古时打仗開砲或開槍也叫 fire,因為以前要點火引爆火药,fire變作動詞。
當你要辭退一個人時,等同向佢開火把他「幹掉」,所以 fire 也作解僱的意思。

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