
2007-01-05 2:34 am
要詳細步驟 求該代數
1. 4+3w/8=-2? 2. y+9-7y/11=0 3. p+3/5=3p/10-p/2 4.8(x+3)=-5(6-2X)
5. 2(5x-1)-(7x+3=10 6. -3(a+1)+2(9-2a)+6=0 7. 9-y=7(3+y)-4(3y+1)
8.12(2y-3)=-8-4(7-3y) 9.5y-(7+2(3y-8))=10+y 10. 9+2(a-(4-3a))=6a-13
11.if a numbrt is subtracted from 12 and the difference is then multiplied by3.the product us42.find the number .12.there are somr$2 coins and some$5coins.the total value is $169 and the total nimber of coinsis 50.find the number of $2coins.

回答 (3)

2007-01-05 6:41 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. 4+3w/8=-2
  3w/8 = -6
   3w = -48
    w = -16

2. y+9-7y/11=0
 y+9 = 7y/11
 11y+99 = 7y
   4y = -99
    y = -99/4 = 24 3/4

3. p+3/5=3p/10-p/2
 10p + 6 = 3p - 5p [全式乘 10]
  12p = -6
   p = -1/2

 8x + 24 = -30 + 10x
   2x = 54
    x = 27

5. 2(5x-1)-(7x+3)=10 [原本題目少左一個關括號,希望冇擺錯位]
 10x - 2 - 7x -3 = 10
  3x -5 = 10
   3x = 5
    x = 5/3 = 1 2/3

6. -3(a+1)+2(9-2a)+6=0
 -3a - 3 + 18 - 4a + 6 = 0
   7a = 21
    a = 3

7. 9-y=7(3+y)-4(3y+1)
 9-y = 21 + 7y - 12y -4
 9-y = 17 -5y
  4y = 8
  y = 2

8.12(2y-3)=-8-4(7-3y )
 24y-36 = -8 -28 +12y
  12y = 0
   y = 0

9.5y-[7+2(3y-8)]=10+ y
 5y-[7+6y-16] = 10+y
 5y-6y+9 = 10+y
    2y = -1
     y = -1/2

10. 9+2[a-(4-3a)]=6a-13
  9+8a-8 = 6a-13
    2a = -14
     a = -7

11. if a number is subtracted from 12 and the difference is then multiplied by3.
 the product is42. find the number .

 Let x be the number:
  (x-12)*3 = 42
   x-12 = 14
    x = 26
 The number is 26.

12. there are some $2 coins and some$5coins.
 the total value is $169 and the total nimber of coinsis 50.
 find the number of $2coins.

 Let m be the number of $2 coins
 and n be the number of $5 coins

 Given that, m+n = 50
       n = 50-m --- [1]
 and 2m + 5n = 169 --- [2]
 Put [1] into [2]
    2m + 5(50-m) = 169
    2m + 250-5m = 169
        3m = 81
         m = 27

 The number of $2 coins is 27.

2007-01-06 4:50 am
1. 4+3w/8=-2
  3w/8 = -6
   3w = -48
    w = -16

2. y+9-7y/11=0
 y+9 = 7y/11
 11y+99 = 7y
   4y = -99
    y = -99/4 = 24 3/4

3. p+3/5=3p/10-p/2
 10p + 6 = 3p - 5p [全式乘 10]
  12p = -6
   p = -1/2

 8x + 24 = -30 + 10x
   2x = 54
    x = 27

5. 2(5x-1)-(7x+3)=10 [原本題目少左一個關括號,希望冇擺錯位]
 10x - 2 - 7x -3 = 10
  3x -5 = 10
   3x = 5
    x = 5/3 = 1 2/3

6. -3(a+1)+2(9-2a)+6=0
 -3a - 3 + 18 - 4a + 6 = 0
   7a = 21
    a = 3

7. 9-y=7(3+y)-4(3y+1)
 9-y = 21 + 7y - 12y -4
 9-y = 17 -5y
  4y = 8
  y = 2

8.12(2y-3)=-8-4(7-3y )
 24y-36 = -8 -28 +12y
  12y = 0
   y = 0

9.5y-[7+2(3y-8)]=10+ y
 5y-[7+6y-16] = 10+y
 5y-6y+9 = 10+y
    2y = -1
     y = -1/2

10. 9+2[a-(4-3a)]=6a-13
  9+8a-8 = 6a-13
    2a = -14
     a = -7

11. if a number is subtracted from 12 and the difference is then multiplied by3.
 the product is42. find the number .

 Let x be the number:
  (x-12)*3 = 42
   x-12 = 14
    x = 26
 The number is 26.

12. there are some $2 coins and some$5coins.
 the total value is $169 and the total nimber of coinsis 50.
 find the number of $2coins.

 Let m be the number of $2 coins
 and n be the number of $5 coins

 Given that, m+n = 50
       n = 50-m --- [1]
 and 2m + 5n = 169 --- [2]
 Put [1] into [2]
    2m + 5(50-m) = 169
    2m + 250-5m = 169
        3m = 81
         m = 27

 The number of $2 coins is 27.

2007-01-06 3:30 am

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