chem (中3)

2007-01-05 2:00 am
positively charged Lead(II) ions move to the cathode(negative electrode). They gain electrons there to become lead.Neagatively charged bromide ions move to anode(positive electrode). They lose electrons there to become bromine. thus electric current is carries through molten lead(II)bromide by mobile(freely moving) ions.
我吳明這段點解呀? 又gain electrons? 我始終都吳明 Br~會有個負號, Pb2+又吳明點解會有2+.

回答 (2)

2007-01-05 10:36 am
✔ 最佳答案
an atom becomes most stable when its outermost electron shell is fully filled.

in an lead atom, there are 2 electrons in the outermost electron shell, it tends to lose 2 electrons so that the next electron shell (which is fully filled) become the outermost, hence most stable. by means of combining with othe anion, lead loses 2 electrons and formed lead(II) ions. Final charge of the ion is 0 - ( -2) = +2, therefore the charge is 2+.

as for bromine atom, there are 7 electrons in the outermost electron shell. it tends to gain one electron to fill the outermost shell fully, forming a bromide ion.
the charge of bromide ion is 0 + (-1) = -1, therefore there bromide ion has a negative sign.

in electrolysis of lead(II) bromide, there are Pb2+ ions and Br- ions in the solution.
Pb2+, being positive, are attracted to cathode. there are electrons in the cathode, so Pb2+ combine with the electrons to become lead element
Pb2+ (aq) + 2e- ------> Pb (s)
we observe grey solid near the negative electrode.

on the anode side, there is a lack of electrons, bromide ions being negative, are attracted to there. they lose their electrons to become bromiNe.
2Br- (aq) --------> Br2 (g) + 2e-
we observe brown colour change around the positive electrode.

you have to note the difference between element and ion.
參考: me
2007-01-05 4:33 am
一d metal就要loss electron去變成令到佢地既outmostshell有8粒。
其實electron本身就係負電。咁唔見咁幾粒負數,咪多左d proton既
d proton係正架嘛,咁呢果個得出黎既野就係+數喇。
Pb係 METAL,SO要去LOSS ELECTRONS。佢既outermost shell完本係2粒。
另外Br就係non-metal,佢就要gain electrons。咁咪正數囉。

2007-01-04 20:33:41 補充:

2007-01-04 20:34:14 補充:
另外Br就係non-metal,佢就要gain electrons。咁咪負數囉先岩`

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