我想買套suit去見工, 通常去邊間買會平同好著呢? 我係女仔喎~~
我想買套suit去見工, 通常去邊間買會平同好著呢? 我係女仔喎~~
回答 (7)
你最好去些洋服鋪定做, 可以揀自己中意的布料,減少同人地撞衫的機會,同時定做衫的尺寸會適合自己的身材,得體的服飾會增加自己的信心,同時也會增加面試的分數。,
. 佐敦地鐵寶靈街出口,有間M2裁藝,有間細嘎加工場,手工真d晤錯,服務也好,你可以去睇睇。
參考: 自己
Mastina 係一個唔錯既選擇,料靚款好。
雖然佢會比G2000貴少少,但D款會YOUNG D。
(你未買過suit,我估你around 20 先咁講。)
舊年新年前,我係 final sale 時係mastina 買左suit既外套同裙~
外套就 $175,裙就$75~ 真係好抵~
之前聽 career talk 講過,僱主見到D人成套SUIT唔係黑就白,通常唔會對果個人有特別印象。
唔係叫你標奇立異,但可以買D有少少 pattern,例如灰色/ 黑色有暗間。
或許可以係裡面件衫著手,襯一件 sharp 少少,令個人型象鮮明一D。
You can try:
Giodano Lady (price from 300 to 700hkd)
U2 Woman (price from 300 to 500hkd)
Club Monaco (In Times Square, little bit expensive from 500 to 1000hkd) but the cutting and quality is really good.
Actually most of the suits are more less the same la, so no worry to have the same one as others. People will pay more attention on your resume and performance during interview. Being clean and neat is the best dress code.
參考: myself
我較喜歡去Playlord 同 Cour Carre, 質料同款式都好好, 但不要挑選太fancy的suit, 直間or淨色都有好多款. 現在Playload 4折, Cour Carre 5折 (some is 6 折), 都可一看. 太古城的Playload and Cour Carre 都很大及多貨, 可以看看.
參考: own opinion
我之前都要買suit見工, 睇左好多, g2000/u2啲料同款都麻麻, 又會好易同人撞衫, 最後我去左giodrano ladies, 款式幾好架, 又唔貴, 又一城有間。
如果你係中等身材, Mastina可以考慮, 因為價錢合理, 款式OK, 但如果你想要靚啲cutting 同質料, 可以選擇Playlord, Viola or Cour Carre.
G2000....cutting 幾好, service唔差, 唯一問題係好多人著, 有可能會撞衫...
有一間叫Zuccoz, 係tst 海防道同嘉連威老道都有分店...價錢平過g2000, 但係裙冇試身,但係就可以攞返去換。
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