format 完ME 後, cant not set up ME, PLEASE

2007-01-04 6:47 pm
any problem in my computer. PLEASE, PLEASE

1. format 完ME 後,
2. setup window ME
3. scandisk check drive C
4. scandisk check no errors
5. 出現 copy file nedd for window set up
6. 後出現 standard mode : fault in MS-DOS extender
7. 後畫面黑, cant not set up ME.

回答 (1)

2007-01-04 7:11 pm
✔ 最佳答案
first, u must change ur harddisk is bad sector or not! after u just try to install window 98! coz window 98 is using FAT 32 format same with Win ME! If install win 98 also got the error! just check ur mainboard chipset is burn or not! coz when ur mainboard chipset is burn! then u cannot install ur OS! another is try to replug ur RAM!

2007-01-04 11:12:14 補充:
PS: change = checkNormally is ur mainboard chipset is burn!

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