
2007-01-04 6:22 pm
想請問怎樣打一封英文信, 內容是我有一個客人好耐都未找數,想打一封追數信.
thank you so much

回答 (4)

2007-01-04 6:29 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Dear XXX,

According to our records, your account balance/settlement for our invoice number XXX for $XXX is still outstanding. We should be grateful if you could settle this amount as soon as possible. If you have sent us the payment recently, please let us have the details so that we can follow this up and clear our records.

Yours sincerely,
2007-01-04 6:46 pm
A. 如果佢有未找既數, 用衣封信:
Date: (1. xx, Jan, 2007)

Dear Sir,

Work to the value of over $(2. xxxx.xx) has been completed, and it would be a great convenience to us if you could let us have a cheque for, say $(3. xxxx.xx) to meet payments that have now to be made for materials.

Your faithfully,
For (4. Company Name)

(5. Name)
Secretary(6. or Manager)

B. 如果佢完全咩錢都未比過,又冇其他生意要佢再交,用下面衣封:
Date:(1. xxx, Jan, 2007)

Dear Sir,

Requesting Payment Not Due

We find that your account with us, due for settlement at the end of (2. Month), is $(3. xxx.xx) As we should be gald to hear by return if this proposal is acceptable to you.

Yours faithfully,
(4. Company name)

(5. Name)

1. 打信個日既日期
2. 佢要比既總數
3. 佢仲未找既尾數
4. 公司名
5. 叫佢比錢既人既名, 例如您
6. 5. 既人名既職位, 例如秘書, 經理.

2007-01-04 10:47:32 補充:
2007-01-04 6:30 pm
Hi Miss_____(name):
Please give the money i have broow you ! Thank!
(your name)
2007-01-04 6:28 pm

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