
2007-01-04 12:32 pm

回答 (4)

2007-01-04 1:38 pm
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for 力保健 they claimed 有助营养吸收,保证机体正常代谢 because they added vitamin B

力保健有大量牛磺酸 they claimed "牛磺酸在生物体防御最前线发挥重要作用。以白血球为例,在人体中每个白血球含有高浓度的牛磺酸,白血球对抗入侵细菌时会向机体中释放出活性氯,活性氯在体内如果浓度过高,会对白血球本身产生破坏,而牛磺酸会中和活性氯,从而保护白血球。对机体而言实际上起到了人体抵抗疾病的效果。"
2007-01-07 9:20 pm
紅牛,力保健 also contain the manerials which you will lose with you exercise....

For example, salt(potassium and sodium), glucose, water........If you drink it, your endurance will be increase and prevent you from dehydration and fatigue which reduce your performance.

I think drink sport drink is ok.......because it is not necessary to pay such price to increase your endurance.......... I had tried it in marathron....it is really work.....
參考: I am a sport lover
2007-01-06 5:12 am
1. 我都有飲用過紅牛, 飲落覺得紅牛有點似有氣的紅提子汁.
2. 由於紅牛內有咖啡因成份, 故飲了會有點提神的感覺,
有d似飲了雞精的效果. 只是味道不同.
3. 就因為內有咖啡因, 所以若對咖啡因有敏感及小朋友,
都不要試, 以免有不適.
4. 而內加有維他命B, 這沒有太大及明顯的效果, 因不是飲過好大量.
參考: 自己經驗
2007-01-04 12:50 pm

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