
2007-01-04 8:33 am
因長期站立導致膝蓋關節提早衰退, 在家休息半年, 再返公司減薪1/3, 現再經醫生診斷不可長期站立,否則有可能做手術換關節, 雇主一直沒有報工傷, 亦沒有付醫療費用, 更沒有安排轉職...

如果可以告的話, 應循什麼途徑? 因無工作半年, 無收入...無錢....


我在此公司工作了5年(後因腳痛停職半年, 此半年沒有醫生紙, 只在家休息), 我是美容院主管, 每天工作9小時, 但9小時內都需要不停走來走去及站在reception, 未做此前完全沒有腳痛問題! 現想問 1. 本來只是左腳有事, 但今次再回去後工作了兩個多月後, 右腳亦出現相同的情況, 這樣是否雇主疏忽? 2. 如做手術的話, 政府醫院要排期兩年, 私家醫生要大約五萬, 這筆錢可否claim勞保呢? 3. 現在返工一排就會再痛, 需要睇醫生, 醫生會寫紙在家休息, 但如不足4日, 公司不會出4/5糧, 這樣合法嗎?

回答 (4)

2007-01-04 7:21 pm
First: if you have left the work for 0.5 years, have you get any doctor’s approval or certification?

Second: Have you notice the Employer since you have your half year left at work?

According to Employment Law (僱庸法, employment law involves special and general rules of contract but also embraces (包含) statutory rights and obligations between employer and employee. (僱主責任及僱員權利). Employee’s statutory rights under employment legislation includes their entitlement to wages, leave, severance payment and long services payment and protection from dismissal.(解散)

Every employer is responsible for purchasing the employee insurance for his every employee. Sometimes, the employer will not report the injury to the insurance company so as to maintain the premium. These employer will in turn compensate an amount or few days of leave to the employee (depends on the serious of injury). But in your case, obviously you have much serious injury. The employer should report you case, otherwise the employer is accuse of not reporting the injury. You can consult the 勞工處 (電話號碼: 2717 1771) for assistance. They will refer you to Labour Tribunal.

But before you made any claim from the employer, you have to be sure you have the Nature of Continuous, meaning, an employee who works continuously for same employer for 4 weeks or more, with at least 18 hours in each week is regarded as working under a continuous contract. Employees under a continuous contract are further entitled to benefits contained in the Employment Ordinance and Employee’s Compensation Ordinance(僱用賠償條例).

**Please make sure you have supporting documents evidencing that you have such injury during course of employment.

2007-01-04 11:51:09 補充:
There is also an Terms implied by the common law are related to the duties owed by employer and employee to each other. Duties of employer: (2). to provide a safe system of work;
2007-01-04 9:24 am
2007-01-04 8:39 am

2007-01-06 00:57:29 補充:
2007-01-04 8:38 am

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