我想學中提琴, 去邊度買初學琴好呀 ?

2007-01-04 8:29 am
其實我巳拉好小提琴 7級架啦~想學下中提琴, technique上有無分別 呢 ?
去邊度買琴好 ? 去通利 ? yuet wah ? 凱聲 ? 定邊度好 ?
唔想買咁貴, 試下玩者.最好 $800 打下........

難唔難學 ?可否自學 ? (我小提琴最初幾級都係自學...因有琴底 )

回答 (4)

2007-01-07 11:02 am
✔ 最佳答案
我都係同你差唔多grade ge時候自學viola, but only 借人地ge, 佢o個個viola 千幾蚊, 可能係用開比較好ge violin (我諗你宜家grade 7 都會用開個比較好ge violin), 加上viola 比較大, o個個viola D聲都幾難頂.............換左套公認柔聲ge Dominant strings 都冇乜改善..........
仲有viola 係比較少人玩ge 樂器, so its price should be generally more expensive than violins ge........not very gd to buy a viola with a budget of $800, i think at least 2K.....
why not ask your violin teacher to buy for u? it's better to let somebody familiar with strings to do so ar, he/she may know where can ge the viola with a 成本價/ lower price than those of the 琴行..........

如果你violin ge 姿勢 is already very good, there's no problem to deal with the viola technique ga ( very very similar to those of the violin, the only diff. might be how to create a gd sound on C string, which has a quite great diameter)........

but beside the technique, u have to deal with the alto clef, but i found it is easy, read them (in the first position) like the fingerings of the third position of the violin~
also it is quite difficult to find pieces which is composed for viola solo lu~~~~

(sorry that i typed eng instead in the half way........it's much faster.......)
參考: violinist of 2 orchestras, part time violin teacher, past violaist in an orchestra
2007-01-11 11:37 am
我都係大既同你一樣程度, 不過5級o個時已經轉左去拉viola...
viola都幾難搵, 我手頭上那部2手$300(原千幾)....都好難搵返...但真係好難聽....

有人會用廢的violin換viola string, 不過其實咁做唔好o既......
通常人地學string都係從老師間介紹買琴.....好多人上大陸買, 我都返去問過, 要訂做先得.....但係...大陸訂做呢家野就....有d保留.......

我都係自學.....(甚至violin都係自學...=.=基本上無咩樂器我識唔係自學)...只係睇譜煩d, 都無咩野, 當violin升高1個格(2度)......同埋d key有時會煩d, 都唔會有咩問題......

2007-01-09 6:55 pm
2007-01-05 8:01 pm



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