what do u mean by line voltage?

2007-01-03 8:37 am
line voltage is related to electric power

回答 (12)

2007-01-03 2:12 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Line voltage is the potential difference between two lines of different phases. This means there are actually 3 line voltages on a three-phase system; A-B, A-C, and B-C. For a balanced system, the three must be equal.

Phase voltage is the potential difference between a line and neutral. A three-phase system has three phase voltages as well; A-N, B-N, and C-N. For a balanced system, all three must be equal.

For three-phase Alternating Current (AC) circuits, there is a relationship between line and phase voltage that is defined by the connection method (wye or delta).

(Line voltage) = (Phase voltage) * sqrt(3)
(Line current) = (Phase current)

(Line voltage) = (Phase Voltage)
(Line current) = (Phase current) * sqrt(3)

For single-phase circuits (AC and DC), line parameters (current and voltage) are the same as phase parameters. This is because one leg is referred to as having 'potential', while the other is generally referred to as the 'return' or 'neutral' or 'ground'.
2007-01-03 2:19 pm
Line voltage refers to 120 volt ac . Most industries utilize 3 phase 240-480 volt or higher because it is more efficient to use smaller wire sizes and reduced current. (power=current x voltage). Even in industry, line voltage means 120 volts by means of stepdown transformers operating off 2 legs of the 3 phase system.
2016-10-05 11:13 am
Line Voltage
2016-03-27 1:35 pm
For the best answers, search on this site https://shorturl.im/aeEZX

Think of it as a speaker distribution 'bus' system that can have multiple speakers connected to the same amp, eg. spread around a factory or shop. Each speaker is connected to the 100V system via a multi-tapped transformer. The tappings allow the nominal power level from that speaker to be pre-selected, eg. the taps could be 1, 2, 5, 10 & 20W. The 1W tap would give about 2.8V RMS at maximum amp volume, while the 20W tap would give about 12.6V RMS (assuming an 8 ohm speaker). It allows a single amp to run many speakers, up to it's total power rating, and each speaker can be 'programmed' to different relative power levels or volumes. Edit - link to example transformer added.
2016-03-14 10:24 am
100 volt line is a high impedance system used in public address to run multiple speakers over a long distance. The amplifier output peaks at 100 volt. You need a 100 volt line transformer on each speaker. If you connected a low impedance speaker to the line it would probably damage both the speaker and the amplifier.
2015-09-25 7:24 am
Line voltage is the potential difference between the two lines of different phases.
For example: In a 3-phase system (ABC), there will be three line voltages such as A-B, A-C and B-C.

2015-08-17 12:52 pm
This Site Might Help You.

what do u mean by line voltage?
line voltage is related to electric power
參考: line voltage: https://shortly.im/tDk3e
2015-08-01 1:20 pm
Line voltage monitor is a device which monitor the line
voltage i.e. low voltage ,high voltagr ,phase reverse. High
voltage and low voltage can be set as per our requirement.
Line voltage monitor is used in AMF panels where DG starts
in auto mode depends upon the healthiness of line voltage.
generally LVM are used VMR ALVD
2007-01-03 10:52 am
line voltage is the voltage between 2 lines.

in multi-pahse circuits the neutral line might or migth not be. e.g. a 3 pahse power generator with windings in triangle will not have a neutral line.

phase voltage is the voltage between a line and neutral line.

line and phase are only for AC. they make no sense in DC.
2007-01-03 9:00 am
line voltage mean the voltage difference between lines...
there are three line (phase)..R, Y, B and one neutral.....
the volatge diff between any of above 2 phase (i.e R, Y, B) is known as line volatge.
and the voltage difference between any phase and neutral is known as phase voltage...

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