Food in maxims

2007-01-04 7:52 am
I am doing a project about hk's "cha lau" food
I want to know the kinds of food that you may find on teh trolley which ppl usually push in the maxims food plaza or any speical "yum cha" food that is invented by hk ppl


回答 (2)

2007-01-04 8:05 am
✔ 最佳答案
shrimp dumplings (ha gau)
jasmine tea
chicken and vegetable congee
hot sauce dip (red)
steamed dumplings
rice noodle rolls with soy sauce (cheong fun, on plate)
steamed buns with pork filling (char siu bau).
dian xin
rice rolls
Gow gee/Jiaozi 餃子
Chiu-chao style dumplings (潮州粉果 chiu-chau fun guo)
Siu Maai 燒賣
Sweet cream buns
Shanghai steamed buns
Rice noodle rolls or cheong fun
Turnip/Daikon radish cakes
Phoenix talons
Steamed meatballs
Steamed spare ribs (排骨)
Lotus leaf rice (糯米雞)
Mango pudding
Chien chang go (千層糕 )Thousand-layer cake
Sesame seed balls
dou fu fa (豆腐花)tofu served with a sweet ginger-flavored syrup.
Malay Steamed Sponge Cake
Taro root dumpling
Egg tart
Crispy fried squid ...............

Hope this will help!
2007-01-04 8:12 am
Gow (餃, Dumpling) (or Gow gee, Jiaozi; 餃子 gau zi, 饺子 jiǎozi)

Chiu-chao style dumplings (潮州粉果 chiu-chau fun guo)

Potsticker (鍋貼 iterally "pot stick")

Siu Maai (燒賣 siu maai)

Bau (包 bau)

Sweet cream buns (奶皇包)

Shanghai steamed buns or Xiaolongbao (上海小籠包 seong hoi siu lung bau)

Rice noodle rolls or cheong fun (腸粉 cheong fan)

Turnip/Daikon radish cakes or lo bak go (蘿蔔糕 lo bak go)

Phoenix talons (鳳爪 fung zau)

Steamed meatballs (牛肉球 ngau4 juk6 kau4)

Steamed spare ribs (排骨 paai4 gwat1)

Lotus leaf rice (糯米雞 no mai gai)

Congee (粥 zhōu)

dou fu fa (豆腐花)

Chien chang go (千層糕 cin cang gou)

Taro root dumpling or woo kok (芋角 wu gok)

Spring rolls (春卷 cheon gyun)

Crispy fried squid (魷魚鬚 yau yu sou)

Egg tart (蛋撻 dan tat)

for more details, please visit the below website, it's useful~!1psdFdW3uWZp-A3c-JeidiRg!4147.entry

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