multiple creation of credit 係咪一定不會在真實世界存在?

2007-01-04 6:31 am
multiple creation of credit 係咪一定不會在真實世界存在?
because in reality, 沒有人會作把從A銀行取得的$立即存進B銀行這種無聊舉動?

回答 (1)

2007-01-04 7:39 am
✔ 最佳答案
我地暫時冇evidence 見到佢存在
所以佢只係係個economic model

所以一定會有cash leakage 既出現而導致mul. creation of credit 唔成功

另外,當銀行call back loan 既時候,唔一定人人還到錢呢?破產呢可能又?

as a conclusion, 不存在呢

pss::but-____-nothing is impossible,,xDD
因為係econ sense,,冇野係must 同must not
參考: me,,,

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