Enchance the profit of the company

2007-01-04 6:05 am
I have an assignment, please advice how can I enchance the profit of the company.
Please also advice how to evaluate the supplier

回答 (1)

2007-01-04 10:45 pm
✔ 最佳答案
To enhance the profit of the company, you can do the followings:
1) Increase sales price to achieve the optium level. Therefore, you can maximize your gross margins;
2) Reduce costs of goods sold by means of improving efficiencies, reducing costs and increase production volume;
3) Control selling and adminstrative expenses by controlling headcounts and emphasis on cost effectiveness;
4) Bargain for cheaper financing with creditors;
5) Obtain credit from supplier
6) Explore new business opportunities that can generate more profits
7) Buy out competitors
Evaluate supplier
To evaluate supplier, you need to check:
1) background and history of supplier
2) production capacity of supplier
3) Able to provide the goods and services your needs on the suitable time
4) Price of services
5) recent financial strength of supplier that whether they are able to provide what you need without any financial burden
6) any other alternatives of suppliers

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