英文作文No smoking, please!

2007-01-04 4:28 am
用No smoking, please!作一英文篇文。100-200字

回答 (2)

2007-01-04 5:00 am
✔ 最佳答案

I think smorking is not good,because it is bad for yu body and many many problems..........like makes your lungs not hevary, and your hard will turn black........etc.
And once u try it you will always need it,why?because if u don't smoke you will feel not good or sickso you have to smoke all the time.It also wase so much money as well. A person who smoke 3 years already wase 20,000 hk dollar.When you go around the people they won't like to breath your smoke isn't it.
What I can say smoke is no good,and every one should know smoke kill.If you die your family will very up sad. So no one can stop you smoke but think and try to stop and get help.

2007-01-03 21:01:27 補充:
I wrote about 130 words
參考: [email protected] ask me ^.^
2007-01-04 4:32 am

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