
2007-01-04 4:11 am
what is compatible numbers?

回答 (4)

2007-01-04 4:18 am
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Compatible Number
Definition of Compatible Number

Compatible numbers are numbers that are close in value to the actual numbers and easy to add, subtract, multiply, or divide mentally.

They are useful in estimating the sum, difference, product, or quotient.
Examples of Compatible Number

Estimate 13 ÷ 3.6.

To estimate the quotient, choose the compatible numbers 12 and 4 as 12 and 4 are compatible with each other. Also notice that 12 is closer to 13 and 4 is closer to 3.6.

Solved Example on Compatible Number

Find the value of 61 × 5.8.
A. 360
B. 300
C. 65
D. 10
Correct Answer: A
Step 1: Compatible numbers for 61 and 5.8 are 60 and 6 respectively.
Step 2: So, 61 × 5.8 = 60 × 6 = 360.

2007-01-05 14:35:08 補充:
中文補充何謂相容數值(數學新課程內的一個概念) 根據香港數學新課程,各出版商送來新書,有關〈相容數〉有下列不同定義:longman新一代數學第一冊p12541.89/5.9 ~ 42/6 ~ 7所以42和6是相容數oxford生活與數學第1b冊p443560/9 ~ 3600/9 ~ 400所以3600和9是一對相容數字中大數學新里程第二上冊p30 相容數值是指一些與原來數值相差不遠而便於計算的數值。文達達標數學第1b冊p1683388/7 ~ 3500/7 ~500所以3388和3500是相容數字

2007-01-05 14:37:05 補充:
例 某排球隊其中 5 名隊員的體重(單位為 kg)如下:56 60 81 68 70 把以上數值捨入準確至最接近的十位,然後估算該 5 名隊員的平均體重。解:平均體重=(60+60+80+70+70)/5=340/5=68 kg
2007-01-05 3:38 am
what is compatible numbers?

參考: lam_i_teng
2007-01-04 4:22 am
compatible numbers的解釋是相容數字

例如: (1)59660、53002、54124、58741的相容數字是55000

(2) 34250、29770、31200、27450、32455的相容數字是30000

= 30000 x 5
= 150000

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2007-01-04 4:17 am

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