睇過Spiderman 的各位過來幫幫手,,,English答

2007-01-04 3:46 am
Uncle Ben's words 'with great power comes hreat responsibility ' and Uncle Ben's death have certain effects on Peter Parker. What are the effects?
請用英文講出意思 Thx @@

回答 (3)

2007-01-04 7:40 am
✔ 最佳答案
If you still remember the movie/comic, Peter's uncle was killed by the scrum that Peter bumped into but didn't catch. He saw the scrum taking money out of the venue and he thought it was none of his business. If he had caught that scrum, his uncle would have still been alive. This tragedy turned Peter into Spiderman; instead of using the power for money, he understood he could save people's lives by his great power.

2007-01-03 23:41:20 補充:
should be scum, not scrum... SORRY lol
參考: Movie, personal analysis
2007-01-04 4:00 am

2007-01-04 10:26:20 補充:
What Uncle is Bai's inheritance? Is Bai Uncle's Jin Chu: Abilitybigger, the responsibility is stronger. Becomes primary uncle to diethe after last words, remains for the cypress Peter.
2007-01-04 3:57 am
Effects is 動產;財物;家財
參考: me

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