
2007-01-04 3:43 am
孙中山先生幼名帝象,学名文,字德明,号日新,后改号逸仙,旅居日本时曾化名中山樵,“中山”因而得名。 1866年11月12日孙中山出生于翠亨村一个普通的农民家庭,12岁到檀香山读书,17岁时回国。1894年上书李鸿章遭到拒绝,遂再赴檀香山,创立兴中会,提出“驱除鞑虏,恢复中国,创立合众政府”的主张。1905年在东京成立中国同盟会,系统地提出其三民主义思想。1895年至1911年策划多次反清武装起义,屡遭挫折而斗志弥坚。1911年10月10日武昌起义,得到各省响应,导致清朝专制统治的覆灭,是为著名的“辛亥革命”。 1912年元旦,孙中山在南京就任中华民国临时大总统,创立了中国历史上第一个共和政体。袁世凯窃据大总统职位后阴谋复辟帝制,孙中山于1913年发动“二次革命”反袁。1915年与宋庆龄结婚。同年接受苏俄和中国共产党的建议,决定国共两党实行合作,以推进国民革命。1924年1月召开中国国民党第一次全国代表大会,改组了国民党,重新解释其三民主义。同年秋,冯玉祥发动“北京政变”,孙中山应邀北上,共商国是。1925年3月12日,因肝癌不治,逝世于北京。

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2007-01-05 3:42 am
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孙中山先生幼名帝象,学名文,字德明,号日新,后改号逸仙,旅居日本时曾化名中山樵,“中山”因而得名。 1866年11月12日孙中山出生于翠亨村一个普通的农民家庭,12岁到檀香山读书,17岁时回国。1894年上书李鸿章遭到拒绝,遂再赴檀香山,创立兴中会,提出“驱除鞑虏,恢复中国,创立合众政府”的主张。1905年在东京成立中国同盟会,系统地提出其三民主义思想。1895年至1911年策划多次反清武装起义,屡遭挫折而斗志弥坚。1911年10月10日武昌起义,得到各省响应,导致清朝专制统治的覆灭,是为著名的“辛亥革命”。 1912年元旦,孙中山在南京就任中华民国临时大总统,创立了中国历史上第一个共和政体。袁世凯窃据大总统职位后阴谋复辟帝制,孙中山于1913年发动“二次革命”反袁。1915年与宋庆龄结婚。同年接受苏俄和中国共产党的建议,决定国共两党实行合作,以推进国民革命。1924年1月召开中国国民党第一次全国代表大会,改组了国民党,重新解释其三民主义。同年秋,冯玉祥发动“北京政变”,孙中山应邀北上,共商国是。1925年3月12日,因肝癌不治,逝世于北京。
Young famous emperor , Mr. of Sun Yat-sen , like , gentle formal name have, word Germany is bright, number is new on day, and then change the celestial being of the number ease , Zhongshan's firewood of the assumed name at sojourning in Japan, " Zhongshan " gained the name. Sun Yat-sen was born in an ordinary peasant's family of green henry of villages on November 12 , 1866, go to Honolulu to study at 12 years old, come back home at the age of 17. Submitted a written statement to Li Hongzhang and is refused in 1894, then go to Honolulu again , creat and know while revitalizing , opinion of proposing " driving away Da and taking prisoner and resuming China and founding and shutting all governments ". The United League of China was established in Tokyo in 1905 , proposed the Three People's Principles thought of it systematically. Plan a lot of clear armed uprising instead to 1911 one year, but fighting will fill hard repeatly setback. Rose in revolt in Wuchang on October 10 , 1911, got every province to respond, caused the autocratic collapse that ruled of Qing Dynasty, it is famous " the 1911 Revolution ". On New Year's Day of 1912, Sun Yat-sen took up the post of the interim president of the Republic of China in Nanjing, founded the first republicanism in China's history. Yuan Shikai usurp president plot to restore the old order autocratic monarchy after the position , Sun Yat-sen launch " two revolution " Yuan instead on 1913. Married Song Qingling in 1915. Accepting the suggestion of Su Russia and the Communist Party of China in the same year, it is determined that the Kuomintang and Communist implement cooperation, in order to advance the national revolution. Held the first national congress of the Chinese Kuomintang in January of 1924, reorganized the Kuomintang, explain the Three People's Principles of it again. In autumn of the same year, Feng Yuxiang launched " the coup of Beijing ", Sun Yat-sen was invited to go up north, discuss the state affairs together. On March 12 , 1925, because the liver cancer was not managed , passed away in Beijing.
參考: lam_i_teng
2007-01-04 3:49 am
善長仁翁翻譯成English(esteemed sir),ok??
2007-01-04 5:29 am
dear lazy :

善長仁翁=kind long man

仁=kind again

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