
2007-01-04 3:23 am

回答 (2)

2007-01-12 2:29 pm
✔ 最佳答案
上面好似無答個ans 咁...
不過上面個course係可以入到ge,但唔係人人岩~只係岩d sub degree holder~(除左hku space都仲有好多間org 有呢類course 讀~details 請看最下個條link)



LCCI International Qualifications是世界知名國際性考試機構,始創於1887年,是英國最大的職業技能鑒定及證書頒發機構之一,在全球約100個國家設有考試中心,每年考生人次達50萬,所頒發的證書及文憑在多個國家廣為認可。以本港為例,LCCI是海外公開考試報考人數最多的其中一個主要資歷。

簿記係lcci的其中一科,佢仲有d 電腦ar,eng skill個d exam比你take....
做f.5/f.7 都做到的accounting clerk就take lcci係有幫助
但做會計師個d 專業人士take lcci 係無乜用,
LCCI level 3~ACCA係認可...可以有少少exmption....

if 你想睇下你岩唔岩讀account,可以試下lcci對account 有多d 認識先~
好多地方都有得take 呢d course,e,g工聯會,補習社

咁你可以click入呢個website,根據你的學歷choose 岩你的路入hkicpa
參考: 讀過lcci 同account 的學生
2007-01-04 8:25 am

AC 41-104-00 (62)
Diploma for Accounting Technicians

Enquiries: 2867 8469
Fax: 2858 4750
E-mail: [email protected]

Course Start Date: 24 Feb 2007


CEF Course Code

Entry Requirements
Applicants should

either, have 5 passes in HKCEE in one sitting, including Chinese Language and English Language (Syllabus B), or equivalent;
or, have successfully completed the Project Yi Jin (毅 進 計 劃) Programme;
or, be 18 or above with relevant work experience.

Day(s) / Time
Weekday evenings and / or weekends.


Course Fee: Level A and Level B modules: $2,970 per module; Level C modules: $3,380 per module
Application Fee: $150, non-refundable

Medium of Instruction
English supplemented by Cantonese

Information and Application
Detailed information and an application form are available:

in person, at any HKU SPACE Enrolment Centre.

Closing Date for Application
15 January 2007
The curriculum of this programme is based on the official syllabus of Certified Accounting Technician of the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA). Programme graduates will have the necessary skills to allow them to support the work of professional accountants. They will also be able to further their studies in order to become professional accountants themselves.
This programme has received full exemption from the Certified Accounting Technician (CAT) qualification of the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA). Successful completion of the Diploma for the Accounting Technicians programme will lead to the award of "CAT" designation upon registration with ACCA's CAT qualification and completion of one year's relevant work experience. Holders of "CAT" qualification will be eligible for automatic transfer to ACCA professional examinations and entitled to exemption from Part One of ACCA professional examinations. Depending on their performance, they may be granted exemptions from up to 3 modules of the HKU SPACE Advanced Diploma in Accounting.

This programme also receives up to seven papers exemption from the Accounting Technician Examinations, Hong Kong Institute of Accredited Accounting Technicians (HKIAAT).

Four papers exemption from the Professional Examination, Association of International Accountants (AIA).

To complete the programme, students take 9 modules, each with 40 hours of lectures:

:: Level A

1. Transaction Accounting

2. Office Practice and Procedure

:: Level B

3. Financial Accounting I

4. Cost Accounting I

5. Information Technology Processes

:: Level C

6. Financial Accounting II (Core Module)

7. Cost Accounting II (Core Module)

8. Any 2 modules chosen from:

Auditing Practice and Procedure
Managing Finances
Managing People

The academic year is divided into 3 semesters, each lasting about 12 weeks: Semester 1, October to January; Semester 2, February to May; Semester 3, June to September.
Students can enrol in any semester, subject to the availability of modules. By taking 2 modules per semester, they can graduate in around 2 years.

:::: Continuing Education Fund (CEF) ::::
This programme has been included in the list of CEF reimbursable programmes. Application for CEF has to be made before commencement of the programme. Details can be found at http://www.info.gov.hk/sfaa/cef

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