✔ 最佳答案
not sure whther USA people can work in Canada nor Canadian can work in USA without VISA. But it is true that Canadian & USA can visit repective countries as they wish, without any VISA. (Just similar as we go to Shenzhen). When Canadian visiting USA they just have to show their ID card (we call this citizen card) to USA customs.
The difference between people in USA and Canada is Canadian people are slow-motion group of people, sometimes, they are not as "smart" as the USA. Why do we say that, because Canada are not permit to fish Salmon undersize, but when Canadian put back the Salmon into the water. The undersized Salmond will be caught by the USA. Also, Canadian are not enironemntal friendly than USA.
2007-01-04 11:42:08 補充:
traditional canadian are alasaka peopleusa people are mix with mexican people