
2007-01-03 10:28 pm
A hawker used $600 to buy 1,000 apples. He sold 30% of them at $1.4 each and the remainding were sold at $1.2 each. Find the profit percent gained by the hawker.

sorry,打錯字,唔係1.4,係1.5至arm。 但係張答案紙(冇steps)寫答案係115%喎,點解我計唔到呢個答案?

回答 (6)

2007-01-03 10:37 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Let x be the amount of money gain from selling all the apples.
x = (1000 x 30%) x $1.4 + (1000 x (1-30%)) x $1.2
x = 300 x $1.4 + 700 x $1.2
x = $420 + $840
x = $1260
since profit (%) = (amount gain - cost) / cost x 100%
cost = $600
profit (%) = ($1260 - $600) / $600 x 100%
profit (%) = 110%
2007-01-04 5:20 am
revenue = $1.5 x (1000 x 30%) + $1.2 x (1000 x 70%) = $450 + 840 = $1290
profit profit gained = (1290 - 600)/600 x 100% = 690/600 x 100% = 115%
2007-01-03 10:37 pm
unit cost = $600/1000 = $0.6

profit of 30% @1.4 = 0.3 x 1000 x (1.4-0.6) = 240
profit of others @ 1.2 = (1-0.3) x 1000 x (1.2-0.6) = 420
total profit = 240 + 420 = 660

profit percent gained = (660/600) x 100% = 110%
2007-01-03 10:35 pm
________________________________ x 100%
2007-01-03 10:32 pm
sorry i don't know

2007-01-03 14:33:51 補充:
may be [1.4x(1000x30%)+1.2x(1000x70%)]-600________________________________ x 100%600
2007-01-03 10:32 pm
________________________________ x 100%


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